About Me
Witaj, chce Cie wprowadzić do mojego świata dominacji. przekroczmy wszelkie granice jeśli nie jestes jeszcze na to gotów przygotuje Cie do tego krok po kroczku powoli bedziesz przyzywczajać sie do coraz głębszej ochoty na to by sie całkowicie oddać Mam talie osy wielką dupe którą bede jeździć Ci po twarzy...Całkowicie oddanych zaufanych osób do bliskiej relacji.
My Services
How does it work?
We use the escrow system (trusted intermediary) to prevent scams
1. When a slave purchases a service, the credit will go to a trusted intermediary, not to the Dom credit directly
2. The slave is permitted to cancel the service and receive full credit until the Dom confirms that he/she will be able to deliver the service.
3. Once the slave validated that the service was delivered by the Dom as expected, the Dom account will be credited.
4. If the Dom has completed the service but the slave has not validated it within 15 days (7 days for Whip ranks Doms - 3 days for Golden Whips ranks Doms) and has not opened a dispute, the service will be considered as validated and the Dom account will be credited.
5. If the slave and the Dom disagree on the delivery status, it is possible to open a dispute and let the Slave Market team rule on the final status

Relationship based on a daily relationship
sexting showing yourself orders talking verbal and written domination