How do you verify profiles?
There are 2 types of verifications on Slave Market:
Partial verification: The Dominant must provide a picture of Him/Herself touching His/Her nose with one hand, and holding a sheet of paper with the other, on which should be handwritten: "[Username] for Slave Market" and the date of the day.
Once partially verified, the Dominant has access to all the features of Slave Market -
Full verification: The Dominant must provide a picture on which the following should be visible:
- His/Her face
- His/Her ID (only Passeport/ID Card/Driving licence are accepted)
- A paper on which should be written "[Username] for Slave Market"
How long will it take to verify my picture?
It can take up to 24 hours, but usually it is much faster, often within 4 hours.
Why was my verification picture rejected?
You should have received an email stating the reason why your verification picture was rejected. But most common reasons are:
- Poor quality picture
- The informations on the ID documents are unreadable
- You forgot to display a paper with the handwritten note: "[Username] for Slave Market"
- You are not doing the requested gesture on the picture
- Your Slave Market gender and the gender on your verification picture don't match
- The picture does not let us confirm your gender, or that you are the person on the ID document
Can I copy other Doms services?
Some Doms work hard to offer innovative services with customized descriptions and illustrations. You must respect that and not plagiarize their work, always add your own description and illustration the services you wish to offer.
Please report services copied from other doms, they will be removed.
Please report services copied from other doms, they will be removed.
How are the Dominants ratings calculated?
Dominant's global stars rating is calculated from the average of their Sessions and Online Services ratings.
How can I rate a Dominant?
Rate Sessions and Services:
- Only paid sessions/services can be rated to prevent "fake ratings".
- Sessions and Services can only be rated once completed.
- Ratings can be changed within 30 days of completion.
- The rating is displayed only after a minimum of 2 ratings are available.
- Individual ratings are not visible to the Dominants.
- Only slaves who have been owned by the Dominant for at least one week and have purchased at least one ot His/Her Session/Service can rate the Dominant.
- Ratings can be changed anytime and are not visible individually by the Dominant (anonymous)
- The criteria rating of a Dominant are displayed only after a minimum of 2 ratings are available.
How can I rate a slave?
- Dominants can only rate slaves who purchased one of their Service or participated in a Session with them.
- Only paid sessions (not free ones) are elligible for slave's rating, in order to prevent "fake ratings".
- Slaves can be rated once the Sessions/Services are completed.
- Ratings can be changed anytime and are not visible individually by the slave (anonymous)
- The rating of a slave are displayed only after a minimum of 2 ratings are available.
What are the $$$ symbols on the slave profile?
The indicate how much credit the slave currently holds in its account:
- $ > $0
- $$ > $50
- $$$ > $100
- $$$$ > $200
- $$$$$ > $500
How to delete my account?
You can delete your account by going to the menu "Me > My settings". You fill find the last section: "Delete my account". Click on the red button "Delete my account permanently" to delete your account.
What happens to the pictures/videos I have uploaded after I delete my account?
All the medias from your Sessions, Surrender Now!, Contests, Cum logs and Chastity logs will be permanently deleted after 30-60 days. Gifts will remain visible for their recipients.
How can I delete the pictures/videos I uploaded on the website?
- Surrender Now! medias can be deleted automatically after 30 days by enabling the option in menu "Me > Mysettings". Section "Confidentiality".
- Sessions medias can be deleted automatically after 30 days by enabling the option in menu "Me > Mysettings". Section "Confidentiality".
- Contests medias can be deleted automatically after 60 days by enabling the option in menu "Me > Mysettings". Section "Confidentiality".
- Chastity logs medias can be deleted from the Chastity log interface
- Cum logs medias can be deleted from the Cum log interface
- Gifts medias cannot be deleted as they have been given
How long does it take to validate my suggested Surrender Now! requests and skills?
They will usually be reviewed within a week, but sometimes it can take longer :)
What is the fame for?
The fame has different use for Dominants and for slaves:
- Slaves: The fame is an indicator of how devoted the slave has been. The fame earned by an owned slave is shared with its owner and therefore is a good indicaor of the slave's value. Some features of the website are only accessible to slaves with a certain amount of fame (ex: Slaves Auctions).
- Dominants: The fame helps the Dominants to climb ranks, allowing them to own more slaves and to benefit from lower commission fees. See here for more details
What should I do if I believe a profile is fake or a scammer?
Despite the measures taken by our platform to prevent fake profile and scammers, it is unavoidable that some will manage to slip through the nets. In that case please use the "Report user" button on their profiles to let us know and explain why you think this profile is fake/scam. We will have a look at it and close the account if necessary.
Why some slaves can have a branding image?
Slaves are not permitted to upload a branding image on their own. However, Dominants of a certain rank can update their slaves' profile pictures and apply a branding image.
Where is my referral code?
Once you have reached the second rank (FLOGGER for Dominants - COTTON COLLAR for slaves), you'll be able to see your referral code in your credit page, by clicking on your credit in the header of the website.