Alright, been a long time since I put anything here but wanted to share with anyone interested. Did a bit of math working out a formula for a weighted wheel spin for the chance to cum. The idea of it is the sub is kept in chastity for a period of time decided by the owner, lets say 1 week. At the end of each period they get to spin a wheel with a chance to cum, have a ruined orgasm, or be denied fully then they start another castity session no matter the result they got. This formual causes the odds of getting to cum to start very high (94% chance for the first one) but slowly decrease the more often you cum. This is meant to traint he sub into cumming less and less often over time. This formula will also eventually lead to ALOT of ruined orgams so if those aren't your thing as much as denial I would recommend swapping the denied % and ruined % around or just making them both be denied.
Wheel math
Denied% (D%)
(5+(3xC))-(1+(2xD))-(1+(1xR)) = D%
Ruined% (R%)
(5+(4xC))-(1+(2XD))-(1+(1XR)) = R%
Cum% (C%)
100-D%-R% = C%
Example 1:
Subject has Cum 5 times (C=5)
Subject has been denied 2 times (D=2)
Subject has been ruined 2 times (R=2)
5+15-5-3= 12
So denied percent of wheel would be 12%
5+20-5-3 =17
So ruined percent of wheel would be 17%
100-12-17 = 71
So cum percent of wheel would be 71%
Example 2:
Subject has cum 1 times (C=1)
Subject has been denied 0 times (D=0)
Subject has been ruined 0 times (R=0)
5+3-1-1 = 6
So denieed percent would be 6%
5+4-1-1 = 7
So ruined percent would be 7%
100-6-7 = 87
So cum percent of wheel would be 87%
Example 3:
Subject has cum 25 times (C-25)
Subject has been denied 15 times (D-15)
Subject has been ruined 30 times (R-30)
5+75-31-31 = 18
So denied percent of wheel would be 18%
5+100-31-31 = 43
So Ruined percent of wheel would be 43%
100-18-43 = 39
So Cum percent of wheel would be 39%
My weekend:
As I write this purly so I have something to do I'm currently still locked inside my cage.
The lock is an app controlled lock which my goddess has been given ownership of so long as she keeps me locked I can do nothing to escape the cage. The cage is quite secure and while I probably could break it in an emergency by standing and pressing my back against the top to escape, the cage cost me a bit over $400 and I'd rather not have to replace that so unless there's a fire or some other life threatening emergency I'll likely never break free and ruin the cage, so I'll be staying here until goddess feels like letting me out. So far I've been here for almosst 36 horus though she did let me free for 2 hours yesturday to shower, use the bathroom, and get a proper meal.
Initially when I began using this cage the largest issue was the sever leg cramps luckily goddess allowed me to modify the cage to remove that issue so that she could safely leave me here for days at a time if she felt like it. This was done by removing a small section of the cage at the end so my legs could go through, but it's not large enough for me to escape I'd simply never be able to push my hips through no matter how hard I tried. This has removed much of the discomfort of the cage though sleeping on just a doggie bed on the floor is still rather uncomfortable it's manageable. The biggest isssue now is the intensse boredom of sitting alone in the cage for hours on end with nothing to do but wait for goddess to have use of me and sleep when I can. Though sleeping in here is rather difficult.
blurred due to face being in picture.
The next biggest issue of spending this long in here past the boredom as you may be thinking is "what about using the bathroom?" well.... I've been forced to wear adult diapers while in the cage, now I know for some that's a fetish for me I'm not a fan of diapers, diaper play, or ABDL nothing against thoose who are but it's not my kink. Unfortunatly for me however the reality is when your locked for potentially 48 hours+ in a small cage with no way to escape your going to have to use the restroom and you don't want to be covered in it the whole time your in here soooo diapers and wet wipes it is :(
I would share pictures but I don't want to put nsfw pictures on my diary and for those others who are not into diapers the same as me I'll spare you from seeing one and especially from seeing a dirty one here, but you can imagine the misery of it espeically for somoene not into that kind of kink...
Overall it's not THAT bad but it is miserable and I'd much rather be doing a million other things with my weekend if I were free but ultimately goddess's pleasure is the only thing that matters and me providing that pleasure is quite litterally my only purpose in life, so for as long as goddess enjoys it and wishes me to remain here this is where I will stay. Not that I have any choice with the app lock still in place and keeping me sealed inside.
Eternal slave of goddess dommybitch,
A very long night:
Last night my owner locked me in my cage. The cage is a dog kennel made for larger dogs complete with a dog bed with just one alteration, wifi controlled locks on the doors connected to the supports for the cage. Once they are locked there's no getting out until the locks are released, of course I can't unlock them as my goddess controlles them. Now for saftey reasons and because the cage isn't one of the professionally made bdsm cages I can get out in case of an emergancy by breaking the cage (it's held together by plastic connectors on every wall and one good kick would break them but since the cage cost $400 I'd rather not break it unless it's actually an emergency)
The night started off well I was extremely horny knowing my goddess planned to keep me in the cage all night long I started off listening to an audio book and trying to find some way to get comfortable to no avail. After a couple of hours my goddess wished me a goodnight and I was left alone in my cage. About 3 horus into being locked up my legs were strating to ache and I really wanted out, I began testing the locks. The cage isn't perfect being made for dogs and everything has a little bend and give to it so I tried pulling at the cage door and pushing the handle at the same time but I did to good of a job locking it since I threaded the lock through both the door handle and the support next to the door it was impossible to get enough movment to unhook the door without breaking it completely. I was forced to give up and accept my fate of being stuck all night long. As the night progressed I did manage to sleep a couple of hours sparatically but nothing substantial. My hornieness was completly gone and I was miserable for hours. I god bored of listening to my book and just wnated out more than anything. Finally after what felt like a week in the cage my goddess woke up and wihsed me a good morning. But instead of letting me out she left for a morning walk... thoose next two hours felt even longer than the rest of the night. Once I was finally released I took a hot shower to wash away some of the sweat from the close confines then slept for 6 hours through the whole afternoon.
A fantasy:
I was driving on my way to do something I've never had any real interest in doing the idea of it of being forced to do it in person by a domme absolutely but actually going and doing it and doing it alone that was another thing, not something I ever wanted, but my goddess commanded me to follow through so here I was now pulling up to the address provided...
Months earlier my goddess had told me to give her my log in information for Fetlife and wanting to please my goddess more than anything I of course obeyed instantly. I didn't have any immediate misgivings about doing this it was even something I had suggested some time ago that she might enjoy she already has control of other profiles and has changed the picture or bio and I've really enjoyed her having this control. Little did I know that she would go much further this time and contact a bull to have me go and give him a blowjob IRL...
So there I was at the end of the driveway shaking and wondering if I'd actually manage to go through with this it was a step further than I'd ever gone a LARGE step. As I shut the car off and got out my decision to please my goddess at any cost as is always my decision. I approached and as instructed stood in front of the door and just as I was told they would be there was a collar with a leash and a blindfold sitting in front of the closed door. I quickly put them ond knocked. A few seconds past then I heard noise and the door opened I felt the leash be taken ahold of by someone and a jerk and I followed. About 30 steps then a turn then a I could feel my shoulder brush a doorway then carpet under my shoes. A tap on my head meant to kneel and I did quickly then I hard someone walking around the room then a rustle of clothes then suddenly a soft fleshy feeling on my cheek then a tap on my lips. I followed the silent instruction and opened my mouth then suddenly for the first time in my life and as my first ever real life sexual experience a large dick past my lips and entered my mouth. It was warm and a little salty to the taste I quickly felt a hand at the back of my head guiding me and I slowly accepted it and moved my head down down down until I felt hair on my nose. I moved back and forth slowly working my tongue over the head and worshiping it as I know my goddess would expect of me. Soon my efforts were rewarded and a taste I was familiar with but was slightly different to when goddess has me eat my own entered my mouth. I heard a grunt and had to hurry to swallow to accommodate the ongoing sprays of cum into my waiting mouth. As he finished and I swallowed the last of it I completed my final instruction and licked my lips kissed the head of the softening dick and thanked him for giving me such a tasty meal. He grunted one final time seemingly in approval then my knee was lightly kicked and I stood before I was lead by the leash out of the house and the door was closed behind me. I removed my blindfold and collar and left back to my car feeling very humiliated and used and hornier than I'd ever been in my life. I instantly messaged my goddess to tell her all bout it.
I've really been struggling lately and feel at a mental breaking point with having not been able to cum for so long at 20 days in chastity now and no end anywhere near.... I don't know how I'll survive it I definitely won't in my current head space of wanting an orgasm sooooo baddddd I need to work on getting my head right and realizing that I no longer get orgasms and need to just accept life without such things and focus all my energy on pleasing my goddess! It's just so hard to stop focusing on that need my dick strains against the end of the cage every day almost 24/7 at this point and keeps me awake at night pressing and begging to cum weeping precum I just need to focus and really work to change the way I think and think of that as an urge to please my owner rather than a need to cum.
My mind lately has been on rewards and the obtaining of them.
With online relationships rewards can be difficult as most of the common things you might do in an IRL BDSM relationship to reward your slave are impossible here so you have to find other options. The same issue of course exists with punishments though there it's amplified further by the fact the slave may just refuse to do it or only half ass it (especially with something like canning where there's simply no way to bring it down on yourself with full force your body won't let you). At least with rewards I have some ideas for options may of which are already widely used on the site.
Minor rewards:
Praise (simply telling a slave there a good slave and complimenting them can go a long way and serve's as a great minor reward)
Fully clothed pictures (this can go in either minor or average rewards depending on the owner in question but it's simple pictures for the slave to worship and enjoy knowing what their owner looks like possibly in different outfits or poses)
Average rewards:
Task Veto: A slave possessing a task veto reward could save it for a time when their owner gives them a task that either they really really don't want to do or maybe simply at a time when there really not in the mood for it. This for some may be a major reward instead of an average but depends on the individual relationship and kinks.
Posed pictures: Pictures for the slave of their owner in various poses catering possibly to that slaves particular kinks.
Audio message: An audio message from the slaves owner allowing the slave to hear their owners voice (depending on the owner this might be a major reward)
Major Rewards:
Nude/partial nudity pictures/video: Depending on the owner if this is on the table it is certainly a MAJOR reward for the slave and should be reserved for times when they've earned a major reward. A picture for the slave to worship is an amazing thing!
Video call/live session: Getting to do a live session via video call is an amazing thing which for some may not be a reward at all but a regular part of the arrangement for those that are more leery of a live call this maybe a great option for a top reward for your most loyal slaves.
Cheat day: Cheat days can really be anything depending on what the exact owner slave relationship is. For me and my current owner it would be the traditional cheat day as I'm kept on a diet to get my weight down. For others it might be a day free of rules or a day free of the site.
Day off: Similar to the above a day off would be a reward the slave could choose to cash in when they want to. Everyone needs a break from time to time and on rare occasions when they have served well giving them a day they can use when they're feeling burnt out could be a great idea. You could make arrangements for if this is a true day off where they're free of any rules you have them follow or simply a day where they still have to follow most of your rules but don't have to do any tasks or visit the site that day.
Ohh god where to begin,
So I suppose this starts a few days ago when mistress put me into chastity then had me do several tasks to turn me on from fucking my slutty ass to playing with nippleclamps once I was good and horny my goddess offered me a choice get free and cum or get a picture of her and even though I was horny it was an easy choice as I had only just been locked up I took the picture at the time I thought it was extremely worth it as she said I’d be locked for just 2 days now I’m not so sure!
Today I should have been unlocked as it’s been 2 days however my goddess decided we should gamble for it instead so we drew cards high card wins I drew a 5 and goddess drew a 7 she informed me that it meant I’d stay in chastity another day and draw again tomorrow I thought this won’t be too bad it’s a 50/50 chance or maybe a little less if she decides she won all ties..
Tonight at work however she decides she was in a gambling mood so we would draw for future days to see how long I’d be locked well the mood must have been a great sign for her because she drew high card after high card and the end result is it took until we drew for next Wednesday for me to finally win so now by the time I’m released I’ll be locked a full 11 days!!!!!
As I sit here and absorb this information my tiny doggie dick is throbbing trying so much to get hard in it’s tiny little cage but unable to as the cage is small enough to prevent even an erection! I keep thinking about how long I’ll be locked up and how when im finally allowed to cum I’ll almost surly have to eat the massive load and all these thoughts keep turning me on more and more making my tiny doggie dick throb and try to get hard more and more my balls already ache so bad and this will be by far the longest I’ll be in chastity for ever! Last time my longest was 10 days and that was when I had no stimulation and could just ignore everything now I have multiple tasks a day designed to turn me on more this will be the longest week of my life by far!!!
Another fun idea for chastity. Your slave remains locked in chastity every day however at any time they can choose to be free of it for a set amount of time. This time is earned in seconds. Every task or every time the slave pleases their owner they get a small number of seconds determined by the owner. The slave can remain in chastity and save up these seconds. Then when they feel they have enough they can elect to spend there seconds all once to be free from chastity for that amount of time (they'll have to include the time it takes them to take the cage off in that time) So say they save up 120 seconds they can use that for 2 minutes of freedom time starting when they break the seal on their keys. When the timer hits zero no excuses hands off and the cage goes back on and the keys get put back away, if the slave managed to cum good for them if not oh well should have saved up more time slave will have to start all over again earning time to get free.
Day 7.. i got lucky yesterday in that my friend was opening her bar that she bought, so I was distracted for quite a few hours attending the grand opening though bars really aren't my type of place and that was reinforced last night. it's very difficult now not to just tear up the seal and get the keys to release myself and I'm not even fully halfway through my chastity yet. I really hope that by the next time I do chastity play with goddess I will have my app controlled lock box so that the temptation is removed and I truly have no control over when I am released, that would massively add to the fantasy and remove all temptation.
Day 5... It's starting to be a massive challenge not to just rip off the tamper seal and take the cage off. I really don't know if I'll make it the full 14 days or not but as this is going through my head I do like the idea the fantasy of true forced chastity so I bought an app controlled key safe that seems pretty tough to break into. It was a bit expensive but once it arrives I should be able to place the keys inside and give control to my mistress who can then have total control over those keys no possibility of me simply breaking a seal and getting out I'll actually be truly stuck for however long mistress decides.
It's day 4 now and I'm constantly turned on thinking about my situation. Since my mind has constantly been on my chastity I have come up with a few games that any mistress reading can feel free to use with their slave.
Game 1:
Poker night. Mistress starts with some number of chips depending on how cruel she wishes to be the slave must buy chips with days in chastity every 100 chips costs 1 day in chastity. Then you play poker the slave may buy more chips at any time and the game continues until the slave either gives up or the slave has all the chips. If the slave has all the chips they get to cum before being put into chastity. If they give up they start chastity immediately for the number of days depending on how many chips they bought. Example a cruel mistress starts with 5,000 chips the slave not wanting to match that as it would cost 50 days in chastity decides to buy 1500 chips for 15 days in chastity. If the slave manages to win great they get to cum but most likely the mistress having that large of an advantage will win all the chips and the slave will be left in a situation where they can either buy more chips adding to their total and still probably not winning or accepting 15 more days in chastity without getting to cum.
Game 2:
At the end of a day Mistress counts up every worship they received from their slave that day for every worship below the maximum 24 the slave gets a day in chastity. The fun part of this little game is you can start out by telling them they'll probably miss an hour or two regardless it's pretty tough to make yourself get up in the middle of the night every hour and the slave will likely not see an issue with a day or two in chastity for some extra sleep especially if chastity is one of their kinks the thing you don't tell your slave is the first day of their chastity the game continues to add more days. Depending on how cruel the mistress wishes to be you could continue the game of adding days for missed worships all the way through their chastity forcing them to wake every hour if they don't want to end up in chastity forever. Or you can just do it for the first day if you want to be a bit more kind a limit the number of days their in chastity.
Game 3:
Chess match. (this can easily be adapted to any competitive game) You play a chess match the starting idea is very simple if the slave wins they get to cum if the mistress wins the slave doesn't get to cum. The added chastity part is that depending on how cruel the mistress wishes to be you can either have the slave receive a day in chastity for every point of material they loose. (in chess a pawn is worth 1 a night or bishop 3 a rook 5 a queen 9) or you can have them get a day for every point of material lost by either side. (the later option is great for if the slave happens to be much better at chess as it will force them to try to win without taking to many pieces which can result in opportunities for the mistress to take some pieces that will cause her to loose faster but cause more valuable pieces to be lost in the match) An extra note to prevent the slave from taking a draw if the game ends in a draw the slave will spend 39 or 78 days in chastity depending on which version of the game your playing. (this is equal to the value of all pieces)
Game 4:
Mystery lock. Mistress sets a timer for a random amount of time. (days, weeks, months or even years) This is how long the slave will be in chastity if they do nothing. This number should be set far higher than the amount of time you'd actually want your slave locked up because part of this game is you take away time each time the slave completes a task or does something you like, (such as answering you fast hitting the worship button, groveling properly etc) and you add time each time they do something you dislike. You can either make them aware of how much time is left and how much your taking off or adding or you can keep it a secret that's up to the mistress. The idea is that lets say your goal was to keep your slave in chastity for 15 days. You might set the initial timer for 60 days. If the slave does a good job completing say 5 daily tasks and never does anything to upset you then if you take off 1 day every time they do a good job they'll be free in 12 days slightly beating your goal, but if they fail just 1 of those 5 tasks each day and get a day added for that it would take them 20 days to get free assuming they do nothing else to annoy you and cause you to add a day.
Game 5:
Guessing game. Mistress picks a number (This number can be 1-5, 1-10, or even 1-100 depending on how cruel mistress wishes to be) The slave gets to guess what number the mistress has chosen. If the slave guess right they get free of chastity if not then the chastity goes on and the slave must now roll a dice to decide how many days until they can guess again. Roll a lucky 1 and the can guess again tomorrow roll a 6 and they may have to wait 6 days to guess. ( you could reward extra guesses for various things) The slave will have to keep track of what numbers they guessed and if the mistress wants to be kind they could even tell the slave if their number is higher or lower than what they guessed giving the slave some idea of what to guess next.
On day 3 of chastity now, Night 2 was a good bit better though probably only due to pure exhaustion. I'm starting to feel the not being able to cum part of chastity now. I'm pretty used to cumming every day or every other day so going into day 3 I'm really starting to feel the need to cum. I'll have to focus on other things but it's difficult between the new slave auction feature that really excites me and logging into the site regularly to hit the worship button my mind keeps coming back to my predicament and that makes me try to get hard which as you would imagine is rather uncomfortable. It's definitely going to be a long 2 weeks... 11 days to go.
First day of chastity down and sleeping was easily the hardest part. I was in bed for about 11 hours last night and probably only managed to sleep for 5. Sitting to pee every time I need to at work and wiping my cage was a little weird but not to bad sleeping will definitely be the hardest part of this two weeks. Not cumming isn't that big of a deal when I'm on my own like this since I can just do other things and focus on gaming or something in my free time not cumming is only really hard for me in chastity when I'm actively serving someone and doing tasks then I get so turned on from the tasks and thinking about my chastity that not getting to cum becomes a real challenge.
Date | Ownership change |
2023-10-04 17:43:57 | Starts serving Mistress DommyBitch |
2023-10-03 05:32:43 | Ends its services to Mistress Charlotteworld |
2023-09-23 19:10:39 | Starts serving Mistress Charlotteworld |
2023-08-16 18:20:53 | Ends its services to Mistress Yujen48 |
2023-06-12 15:53:29 | Starts serving Mistress Yujen48 |
Date Start | Nb Days | Progress | Status |
Only Verified Masters / Mistresses have access to chastity logs