Slave Prachi_032

Female, 32 yo
India - Lucknow

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My name is Slave Prachi. I am owned by Master Qureshi IRL. I am into this lifestyle from 10+ years and had 2 masters before him. I am here with my Owner's permission to have a little bit of interaction.
Thursday, September 12th 2024 - 03:26

Hello everyone! Master Qureshi took his slaves on a trip recently, after a long time! We all enjoyed a lot and spent a good quality time with each other, though master was somewhat busy in his business calls.

Monday, September 2nd 2024 - 12:07

Hello everyone! I was called by my owner. He had organized a party for few closed friends. I got the chance to be used and out from slave room. I was blindfolded and kept for use for the guests as they want. I was face fucked a lot last night but most importantly I had a proper sex with one of his friend after a long long time!!!

I really enjoyed it a lot. I am satisfied!

Tuesday, August 27th 2024 - 16:02

Hello everyone! I got to meet my Owner's submissive today. As you all know. He own 2 irl slaves (me and one other) and one submissive. I never got to meet her, but today she was kept in slave room in bondage for 6 hours. I am not sure what all I can share here about her. But it looks like she is going to be my room partner soon. She told me she is interested in being a 24/7 slave but my owner is suggesting to her that it's not appropriate for her. 

We'll find our soon what happens...

Wednesday, August 21st 2024 - 05:19

Hello everyone! Writing here after almost a week, nothing much have happened but thought to share something, after a long time, I got to wear clothes for 2 days! Felt unusual but happy! 

Now I am back here in my slave room with no clothes, but that was quite an experience.

Thursday, August 15th 2024 - 12:48
Hello! As my journey till Master Qureshi is completed and I don't do much here, so to not bore you unlike me, I will continue writing if I gather some content to write.
Tuesday, August 13th 2024 - 04:58

Hello everyone! It is my eleventh day of writing my slave public diary. 

So, I've talked about my past and my journey, there's nothing about that to tell more, so let me me tell you the rules and setup here.

Master Qureshi owns 2 slaves, one is me and other one is his house slave, we both live in the same room, called slave room, although she just comes here to rest and sleep or to serve me food. My duty here to just to sit or dow whatever until I am called by my owner so he can use me. Although I cannot actually do anything, we have rules, which are :-

  • No clothes inside house, both the slaves aren't supposed to wear anything. 
  • I am not allowed to just walk away from here or roam freely, I must stay here 24/7, if I wanna meet my owner, I have to convey my message through my fellow slave.
  • And I didn't had mobile for a long time too, with this one also now, I am not allowed to do much.

So that's it for today...

Monday, August 12th 2024 - 04:18

Hello everyone! It is my tenth day of writing my slave public diary. 

So when I moved in here, I was actually entering into a new world, although I never thought that would ever happen as I was way too experienced to see anything new. But that wasn't the case, although the rule of no clothes was same here. Rest everything was different, my new owner is a single unmarried man, and he already had a 24/7 house slave. I wondered what my purpose would be here, then I was introduced to the slave room, where the slaves are supposed to live and then my fellow slave told me that I will simply stay here until I am called. I had some feelings, I was happy because I didn't had to work all day but also i was locked all day. I didn't knew what to feel...

So that's what it was...

That was my journey as a slave through years...

Sunday, August 11th 2024 - 03:51

Hello everyone! It is my ninth day of writing my slave public diary. I hope you are liking it. 

Today I shall summarize my time with my previous owner and then move to my present, which is Master Qureshi. 

So with my previous owner, usually my day looked like as of a maid, I took care of all the chores of the house, from laundry to cleaning and maintaining the house. 

I used to have monthly sessions with my owner or maybe more or less, depending on his moods. 

With time, my relationship with miss grew a lot, we were almost like friends.  

And apparently mam with time was also nice to me although she used thrash me from time to time. 

My 9 year journey with him ended when he said he is getting old, have responsibilities and want me to move on from him, so either I may leave myself or he will sell me. This was actually heartbreaking, I never could have left him by myself, he then found a 21 year old guy, he said good enough to be my next master. We talked for a few days, but I ended up crying a lot and got sick, so he canceled the plan to sell me. But soon when I got my health back, he explained himself and I understood him, then he found Master Qureshi and sold me to him.

So from more than an year now, I am living with Master Qureshi. 

Tomorrow I'll tell how my experience was when I moved here...

Saturday, August 10th 2024 - 04:47

Hello everyone! It is my eighth day of writing my slave diary. I hope y'all are liking it.

Let's continue from where we left yesterday. 

So yesterday I told you that I lived under 4 rules for those couple of years with least BDSM training or learning, also that Owner's daughter came to know about me when she was 16. That is all that happened, now we'll start after I completed my college and started living there 24/7. We weren't doing much in BDSM for those years but living with them although as a slave made me a part of family. 

So when I completed my degree, my owner talked to his family, I don't know what, but said to them that I am his slave and he wants to build this relationship further, so he established new rules for me, those were :

  • I wasn't allowed to use furniture whenever owner was in the room.
  • I was not allowed to leave the house without Owner's permission. 
  • I was supposed to sleep after he sleeps.
  • I wasn't allowed to wear clothes inside house.
  • I have to offer him blowjob once in a day.
  • I was supposed to address his wife as "Mam" and his daughter as "Miss" from then.

I lived under all these rules until the end of my service to him. So after making all rules, he started my little training into some things. 

  1. Posture training 
  2. Oral training 
  3. Anal training 

I also had my first sex with him after all these years when I was 24. I think it is just good to say that it was incredible than I thought. 

So we'll catch up tomorrow...

Friday, August 9th 2024 - 03:49

Hello everyone! It is my seventh day of writing my slave public diary. I wish you like it.

Let's continue from where we left yesterday. 

So what I told you yesterday continued for a month, I kept on living as my Owner's slave in the store room, but after a month, my master decided that hiding for most the time because of his daughter won't work, so he thought to introduce me to her as their maid. So somehow I started my journey as a BDSM Submissive but wind up becoming a maid, but there was still a lot to go. I understood that what I was doing is a part of BDSM itself, subs like me are called "service subs" who's work is similar to maid or a servant. Except we don't get paid. I was dwelling myself into this lifestyle deeper and deeper. Somehow it affected my studies. And my master didn't wanted that, so he had a lot in mind but never started until my college is over. So till then, the simple rules I was following were :- 

  1. As maid, doing all housework if he, his wife or his daughter asked for it.
  2. Starting my day with kissing his feet.
  3. Sleeping after he's asleep.
  4. Rest of the time, focus on my studies.

So these were the rules I followed till I was 23. I just lived there but nothing much had happened, I didn't even had my first sex till then. So from tomorrow we'll continue my journey after my college. 

But there was an important thing which happened in between was that his daughter found out that I was her father's BDSM Slave. I don't know how much research she did, but she knew exactly what I was after seeing me kissing her father. 

See you tomorrow...

Thursday, August 8th 2024 - 03:46

Hello everyone! It is my sixth day of writing my slave public diary. I hope you are liking it.

Let's continue from where we left yesterday. 

So the usual change occurred which was familiar to me. When my first master gave me to my new owner, I started attending college from there but my frequency of attending decreased. There I got to know, that my new owner is married and have a 14 year old daughter. He told me that because of this reason I will have to hide from them whenever they are at home. All this was so new to me, that I honestly couldn't keep up with the pace, so instead of understanding, I chose to obey. In my mind, I wasn't cheating anyone or his wife because he was 40 at that time, exactly twice my age, so I never imagined any sexual relations with him, I was just here for training in BDSM, also as far as I knew about BDSM till that time, it doesn't necessarily involved sex because that was my experience with my first master, and this wasn't happening with a 40 year old master also. 

So, all my previous rules were removed and there was just one rule till he tell his wife atleast. To address him as either Owner or Master always. Which I did with no failure. His house was big and he hide me in store room, for a week I was there and luckily no one found out. But after a week, his wife saw me, she didn't said anything to me because she knew her husband was in BDSM which i came to know later. She just confronted me and made me sit on couch till my master arrived, then they left for their bedroom and I was still sitting there. They didn't came out for 3 hours from the room and all I heard was arguments...

I don't know what they said to each other, I was anxious myself. All I know is that their main concern of argument was their daughter, if I started living there it would highly influence her. 

Later, when they came outside, his wife was calm than earlier and apparently okay with me, but they decided I will keep on living in store room and can only come out when their daughter is at school. 

(By the way, I came to know after a long time that if Mam knew that my master is into BDSM, why she was so angry on both of us, the reason was, my owner promised that he'll never bring any of his submissive to their house, so that's why she was angry. I was the first one, because my master wanted to fulfill his fantasy of living with a slave.)

So that was the very first experience with my new owner then and previous owner now. How things gradually changed, we'll discuss tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 7th 2024 - 03:44

Hello everyone! It is my fifth day of writing my slave public diary. I hope you are enjoying it. 

Let's continue from where we left yesterday. 

So this was it, as I told you yesterday, my first master, just gave me a glimpse of BDSM world. This was it, I was under all those rules and then from there always on leash and tied to bed if his girlfriend came over. I never talked to his girlfriend but I had a little jealousy, because not only she was doing everything which I wanted to do with my crush but also while I was tied to the bed like a dog. Sorry for my language now, I understand it now that slaves aren't supposed to say these words but I didn't knew this at that time, I often said in my mind "What kind of bitch and whore this girl could be who has no shame in going naked in front of another woman?" I am not very proud of this. I still don't know exactly why she was comfortable with all this, as far as I know, she wasn't into BDSM. 

Anyways, when the end of month was approaching, somehow my master got bored with me. And I don't know why, because I was following all his rules and if he didn't do anything exciting, that is his mistake, not mine, he could have taken my virginity, I would have allowed him or he could have atleast have a session with me, but he didn't do any of that. 

He just told me he is giving me to the person who taught him BDSM. After all this, I trusted him, I didn't knew what all rights submissive have in BDSM, whatever I knew about BDSM was told me by him, so considering his rights over me as a dominant, I did what he said, I trusted on him if he is giving me to someone maybe it is for my own good and there is no harm in trying. So that's how I met my second owner. Something just happened inside me when he gave me to another man just like this, which I came to know later is known as dehumanization.

So how my life took a turn with my next master, we will discuss it tomorrow. 

Tuesday, August 6th 2024 - 05:11

Hello everyone! It is my fourth day of writing my slave public diary. I am not very much comfortable in writing about my life maybe, but it is Owner's order, what else I can do! I still hope, you all are enjoying. 

Let's continue from where we left yesterday. 

After moving in with my crush or friend or first master, the college life was same, except from my own room, I started going from there and all that. What changed is my personal life. The first lesson he taught me about submissive and dominant is that he is a superior one here and I am an inferior one here, so he made some ground rules which symbolized my inferiority and are applicable whenever I am in the room, alone or with him. Those rules were :

  1. Everytime I need to talk to him, raise hand like a child and if he allows then only I can talk. (Initially, I thought that was stupid and childish, but it's effect was really impressive, it did made me feel inferior. )
  2. I am not allowed to use any furniture, so no table for studying, or bed for sleeping or chair for sitting, everything was to be done on floor.
  3. Whenever in room, I am expected to be naked until any of his friends came, which was rare, so I had to be naked all the time in the room. I opposed it strongly, but there I learned few lessons, never shout on your master, if want to oppose, do it politely or he can slap your face which was a banger for me. Also, I learned how deep BDSM is, he showed me his last submissive pictures, naked pictures to be specific and there I learned how this thing works and what it is. But I still didn't agreed on moving naked, so we agreed to keep bra and underpants on. 

So as we proceeded, after a week he introduced pet play to me which you people might already know, I won't explain that. So keeping all the rules same, one thing added that I was on leash everytime in the room as a dog and whenever his girlfriend came to have sex with him or meet him also, I was tied to bed because that's what happens with dog when guests come over. 

The whole experience of this was so humiliating and it made me feel so inferior I can't imagine. Something just happened inside me, when he brought his girlfriend for the first time, I didn't knew he had a girlfriend and I don't know what he said to her because she was apparently okay with a woman tied and kept half naked near to bed. Later he told me that this is what a part of BDSM is, dominants are allowed to have how many relationships they want, submissives can just have one with their dominant, a girlfriend can ask for things like privacy, individuality but a submissive cannot. Whatever I studied on human rights just vanished in front of my eyes..all that just humbled me.

We'll continue tomorrow from here...

Monday, August 5th 2024 - 03:26

Hello everyone! It is my third day of writing my slave public diary. Hope you are liking it. I am not an expert in writing. 

Let's continue from where we left yesterday. 

I told you all that the reason I didn't started practicing law was BDSM. So, my journey of BDSM started from college. I was 20 and I had a crush on a guy from my class. I never approached him like how things go usually. And I became lucky, because he approached me, but the intention wasn't to be my boyfriend but to be a dominant, that I found later. 

Initially when he talked to me, he seemed normal but looking the girl how submissive I am, he said he is a dominant and want to introduce me to a new world and this is the reason he approached me. I was curious and anxious, but the way I saw this, it didn't intrigued me, serving a man, I saw this relationship as just the product of patriarchal society and he wants a misogynistic relationship, for which he is just honest about. I ignored all that. 

But, he kept approaching me and kept pushing me to try it for one time, I then agreed, because why not, he was my crush and he came with the logical arguments and as a law student I cannot deny them, right?

He said what I understood as honesty isn't just truthfulness but communication and its a primary thing in BDSM, he showed me the articles and the stuff related to it, telling me that all this was real and a proper type of relationship, not any misogynistic thing.

So I accepted him as my master, like he said and we began our relationship. 

I was living in a room by myself, for the first act of submission he asked me to move in with him, in his room. That was new and probably a big step for me, but I did what he said. I moved in with him.

We'll catch up tomorrow from here....

Sunday, August 4th 2024 - 03:17

Hello everyone! It is my second day of writing my slave public diary, I don't know from where to start, it has been a long journey and writing it in a summary is a tough task. 

Let me start with telling about myself a little. 

My name is Prachi and I was born in 1992.

(If you are interested, my birthday is on 29th June. Maybe wish me, if possible. )

I am from India (UP), but not from Lucknow. Here I am living with my Owner. 

I just have my father in name of family. My mother passed away when I was young. I am the only child. My father is an Army officer, for which I am proud of him. He keeps his nation first even before his family or to say his daughter, a true patriot. 

I guess I should come back to my story now. So, I studied and completed my school in the same city I was born in and then left for studying law. Yes, I have a law degree, but I never started practicing, you might have guessed, the reason was BDSM.

We'll continue tomorrow from here...

Saturday, August 3rd 2024 - 04:43
By my Owner's orders, I am trying to start writing my slave public diary. He told me to jot down all my experiences and basically my life in a summary and then after completing, continue the habit daily of writing. I hope whosoever sees this, like this. 
Date Ownership change
2024-08-06 19:39:02 Starts serving Master Qureshi
2024-08-06 19:37:33 Ends its services to Master Qureshi
2024-08-06 19:33:32 Starts serving Master Qureshi

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