Slave ShineySideUp

Male, 63 yo
United States - Saint Louis

Masters/Mistresses Ratings 71 rating(s)

Medias Quality
High Limit
Please check my diary for fun pics. If something resonates with you, a like is appreciated. I love everything about BDSM and kink! I film for a nationally known Femdom and have about 20ish clips published on the major clip platform. I enjoy pain and offer good holes and a better than average cock. I travel frequently. If interested in filming IRL content, I can provide excellent references for your peace of mind. Thank you!
Tuesday, March 25th 2025 - 02:04

********** Thank You Lady Lucrezia **********

Worshipping the work of art that is my Mistress' jaw dropping ass. A very special moment for both of us. And yes, that is a drinking straw ; )

Friday, March 21st 2025 - 13:16

A message to some Doms here. If your only focus is findom, this will be a challenging platform for you. That's not what the community here is about. I would encourage you to expand your offerings. Thank you.

Thursday, March 20th 2025 - 02:21

******  Just Plain Me  For A Change  ******


Wednesday, March 19th 2025 - 02:28


Yes, these are all interrelated! I have had the privilege of serving Her and She now wants me to be a free slave to have new adventures. Mistress Lizbeth's generous way of thanking me for my dedication to Her.

Mistress Lizbeth will be evaluating new slaves for ownership. If interested, I suggest you make haste to reach out for consideration. 

She stands ready, Her new Whip in hand : )

Monday, March 17th 2025 - 23:53

Andy Warhol Dick Pic

Just trying to make dick pics more artful, less boring. 

Sunday, March 16th 2025 - 19:15

Looks Like The Perfect Fit! 

A very special Dom here allowed me to cum on her killer tits. I couldn't help but notice how well suited we would be for tit fucking, a never ending passion of mine. Thank you Mistress, this is sooo generous of you, and special for me, you're the best! XOXO 

Tuesday, March 11th 2025 - 03:24

Pin Cushion Fun Anyone?

The bruise 2 days after a Dom pierced the ridge with a needle : )

Saturday, March 1st 2025 - 22:12

Smoking Scene with a Twist

I was told when to start and stop stroking. If I didn't stop when told, I was punished as shown. I was not allowed to cum until she finished 3 cigarettes. 

Saturday, March 1st 2025 - 20:29

Hamming It Up During a Break in Filming : )

During the construction worker shoot described in the diary post immediately below. 

Saturday, March 1st 2025 - 11:43

Noisy Construction Worker Being Punished

From filming last night. I was wearing a hard hat, work boots and safety vest. Was handcuffed, tickled, paddled, hog tied and butt fucked ... like jack hammer butt fucked!

Saturday, February 22nd 2025 - 10:24

Goddess Unica ... Thank you!!!

Phenomenal accuracy worshipping our rising star's sexy ass, earned as reward for assisting her on the platform. A shot like that is a combination of skill/control and luck. I also licked my cum  off the screen/her ass for further flattery. Thank you Goddess Unica, such an honor. I will enjoy watching you rise to the top of the BDSM world! 

Thursday, February 20th 2025 - 03:13

As described in the entry immediately below, enjoying the fruits of my worship of Mistress Diamond's incredible ass : ) 

Tuesday, February 18th 2025 - 20:07

The incredible, beloved and hot as AF Mistress Diamond giving me permission for this special treat. After this task, I was allowed to lick her ass clean of my cum. Thank you sooo much Mistress!  : )

Wednesday, February 12th 2025 - 00:37

I'm pretty small compared to others : (


Sunday, February 9th 2025 - 14:00

A friend showing off her nails. Crazy nails has become her thing as of late for her fan site. 

"Hello Kitty" on the right. Cash and cats are her passions!

Wednesday, February 5th 2025 - 16:45

I am very fond of this picture. It's from the very first scene I did with my filming Dom. 

Tuesday, February 4th 2025 - 01:55

I asked AI to create "a happy eggplant cartoon character" and it did a good job, nice looking emoji!

Saturday, February 1st 2025 - 21:47

Enjoying a reward for executing my assigned tasks to this Dom's satisfaction.

How sexy is her ass, just a wonderful ass to stroke, shoot and eat to. And a wonderful, sexy, meaty pussy as well.

Now that I can export video frames, fun to capture cum mid flight :)

Saturday, February 1st 2025 - 02:45

I'm very grateful that I have earned this privilege when worshipping my Mistress.

  • Step 1 - Cover the laptop in Saran wrap. 
  • Step 2 - Press the worship button. 
  • Step 3 - Self explanatory from here ; )

Tuesday, January 28th 2025 - 20:39

True Submission Is Giving Your Mistress a Sadistic Release. 

Censored from the Public Square, but permission to show here. A proper, sustained caning. This was about an hour later. The welts connected into a single, swollen welt. Yes, I enjoyed it. And looks worse than it is : )

Monday, January 27th 2025 - 20:12

I want to be her. Only surrounded by Doms and Masters.

Monday, January 27th 2025 - 00:57

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Haven't done much pet play but it was super fun!

Friday, January 24th 2025 - 02:35

Worshipping my Mistress, enjoying the privilege of shining her incredible latex outfit..

Tuesday, January 14th 2025 - 23:25

My New Year's Resolution Is Making This Fantasy A Reality.

A Trans Woman Dom of this caliber.

Monday, January 13th 2025 - 01:22



You are an amazing person, and an amazing Dom. Loved by so, so many. Congrats on achieving your Whip, you will wield it well, no doubt. Cheers to you Mistress Diamond! 

Wednesday, January 8th 2025 - 17:28


Mistress Lizbeth has just dropped another piece of Her amazing art into the Public Square. If you voted "more is better" in the SM poll on the Public Square, you can express your support of what She is accomplishing for us. Her previous record is 158 likes. Let's see what happens! : )

Saturday, January 4th 2025 - 05:13

Leather body bag, rope tied to bed for zero movement. Throat fucked. Awesome experience. 

Wednesday, January 1st 2025 - 13:45


By all reckoning, we witnessed a historic achievement. On Dec 28th, 2024,  in response to the Public Square's new "more is better" policy, as voted on by all members, Mistress Lizbeth posted a ground breaking picture. This picture showed an exquisite pegging scene, with full penetration visible. This picture set a record, receiving 158 likes. 

Therefore, from henceforth, in honor of Mistress Lizbeth's achievement, every Dec 28th, at 1:58 pm local time,  every slave shall be permitted to cum. All slaves shall join together in this wonderful chorus of cum, honoring Mistress Lizbeth's boldness in stepping forward into the Public Square, giving the people what we've yearned for,  becoming our Hero!!

Sunday, December 29th 2024 - 15:37

A "loud and proud" dick pic to celebrate SM's user survey and subsequent policy definition for Public Square pics. Thank you to all that voted for the "more is better" option XOXOXO! Please hit "like" if you voted accordingly, and hit "worship" for Mistress Lizbeth for stepping out with the first hard hitting butt fucking pic under the Square's new policy. She's is a Hero of the people!

Thursday, December 26th 2024 - 14:44

Both holes, "spit roasted."  This is before the amazing Doms switched positions, and I happily, lustfully did ATM for them.

Sunday, December 22nd 2024 - 17:54

Sexy or silly? I can't decide. Definitely feels great stroking in them thou LoL!

Sunday, December 22nd 2024 - 17:50

One of my more popular Public Square pictures. I do enjoy a skilled single tail whipping. The bite is sharp, and short lived, so I start to want more to keep rush going. 

Wednesday, December 18th 2024 - 01:02

In the spirit of the Holidays, some special medical play decorations! A fun way for a sadist and masochist to prepare for the Holidays: )

Monday, December 16th 2024 - 18:51

One vampire glove working my nipples while at the same time getting firm, tight shaft strokes with a second vampire glove. Heaven and hell on Earth : ) 

Saturday, December 14th 2024 - 23:31

A special way Mistress allows me to worship her, when I've exceeded her expectations.

Saturday, December 14th 2024 - 23:14

Accuracy Is Important. 

A fun challenge I came up with for my Mistress's cum log. And I do enjoy a "yummy" ending : )

Thursday, December 12th 2024 - 15:49

All Dressed Up And Ready To Go For The Ride, Wherever They Wish To Go


Wednesday, December 11th 2024 - 13:35

The Calm Before The Storm


Tied up, ready to be cropped, ready to be stroked with a Vampire glove : )

Wednesday, December 11th 2024 - 13:21

Shockingly Fun  :  )


This is a "Nova" brand electro stim unit and adjusts from ticklish fun to deliciously painful. Yes, you need this! 

Wednesday, December 11th 2024 - 13:10

Sometimes You Just Need To Want Something Bad Enough.


Me, I want to be a whore. 

Wednesday, December 11th 2024 - 07:05

A Sexy Pose By A Sexy Mistress


She is a very sexy dancer, and uses that skill while pegging. Just a gorgeous thing to behold. 

Tuesday, December 10th 2024 - 11:11



Our two Femdom artists were enjoying each other's vibes at this point.  Both are visible in the mirror.

This was near the beginning of the session, to help my hole open up for the fist of the Dom on the right.

Tuesday, December 10th 2024 - 10:01

"Teamwork Makes The Dream Work"


Monday, December 9th 2024 - 19:35

An artful pic when the light was coming in just so thru the window blinds. One of my best compositions. I'd encourage other slaves to up their dick pic game. A messy room, bad toenails, etc ... let's all work to do better for our Mistresses. 

Friday, November 15th 2024 - 18:38

Part 1 of 2. IRL play/filming session with two Femdoms, one Trans Girl (camera/lighting person).

Grab a cup of coffee, this may get long, but I do hope it will be worth your time ; )

I'll get to all the juicy details in Part 2, but for now, the short version is that it was a trip to outer space. I'm still "high" so to speak. Two Doms combining energy, for a synergistic effect. They both were feeding off each other, riding the high they were creating. At first it felt to me a bit of "friendly competition" going on between them, but then, it shifted. They became in sync, non competitive and worked as equal partners.  Phucking amazing. What I experienced was beyond what I could have imagined. I had done one duo before, barely ... the second Dom was an apprentice, more of an observer.

We met at the local Dom's home, and she had a newly redone play/dungeon room. Great gear, lighting, incense, the works. Small, but effective. What was sooo cool was the vibe and connections that formed. The two Doms had never met. I was their "matchmaker" and I shared why I thought they would make great business/tour partners. One is very organized but newer, the other more moment to moment but highly experienced. They both would benefit from the other's strengths.  Both Doms looked amazing and were wearing very impactful outfits. One is younger, great lines, great skin, womanly ass & thighs. The other is older, with a trim body. Faces are gorgeous, not so much "magazine cover" gorgeous/"generic" beauty, but beautiful in their own unique way. I spent some time providing thoughtful, sincere, flattering comments to each. Not just comments about physical beauty either, but plenty of those.  I was wearing tight mesh shorts with an open front & back and I was getting hard the more I flattered. A bit surreal. I asked each Dom to flatter the other one, and that was definitely an ice breaker. We all got a light buzz on and just continued to  get comfortable with each other. The trans girl / camera person joined us about a half hour in. Lovely, petite little thing. She said she wanted to do her job as a professional, and not participate, which I was really impressed by. I did give her a kiss on the cheek, and thanked her for her great feeling, well trained ass, which I enjoyed a handful of months prior. Overall, I was becoming very excited looking forward to what was going to go down. Both Doms know I'm game for anything, and I told them this event was for them. First priority ... to learn and dovetail with each others' vibe. Second priority ... to "stretch their wings as a Dom," and that I'm just a prop in their show.

I'll conclude for now by saying the next 4-5 hours that followed had the feel of many things ... a party with old and newly made friends, a successful "fixing up" of a new couple, brainstorming additional ideas for scenes, technical details  of where to move furniture, lighting etc, and then putting all that aside and just enjoying the fruits of all that work by getting to do the scene. At that point, the challenge for some is to just "be there" and let it be real, not thinking about anything else.  The more that happens, the more viewers will enjoy all the "game time" enthusiasm and reality of the acts they are watching before their eyes.

Kinky fun details to cum in Part 2 ... Follow me and you'll get the alert of course. I will wait until I get some pics to gift around. Fisting shot will be used in the Public Square ; )

Sunday, November 3rd 2024 - 10:49

For any slaves or Doms that enjoy seeing a slave get butt fucked with a monster cock and exquisitely verbally humiliated, check out "Mistress Lizbeth Pegging." The GOAT of the genre. You will be inspired. 

Wednesday, October 30th 2024 - 05:33

Vac bed scene we filmed. Lubed latex. Teasing hand glides. A little breathe play. Hitachi vibrator forced orgasm.  Such an amazing experience. 

Wednesday, October 30th 2024 - 04:42

A little "behind" on my goal of going wrist deep ; ) I really want to add that to my list of accomplishments.  Getting closer thou!

Wednesday, October 30th 2024 - 04:19

Nice view of my filming Dom's dungeon, and a small portion of years of accumulated gear.  This was just a check of the side view camera. The rear view is shown below. I guess that's one of those "literally and figuratively" statements, right?!

Wednesday, October 30th 2024 - 04:12

Just gotta love it when you film and just positively nail the camera angles and lighting. There's more work to this than people realize! 

Tuesday, October 29th 2024 - 14:37

Yes I have her permission. This was a friend of my filming Dom that wanted to load up on pic/vid content for her platform, shock her fans. Here we just kinda gyrated our clothespins together. Gave her a great boost, lots of increased activity.

Tuesday, October 29th 2024 - 14:30

Love the lighting, adds so much. The Dom had me sound myself and film it while giving verbal instruction for a "how to" clip. It's selling well.

Tuesday, October 29th 2024 - 14:27

A bit different perspective that I'd like to see other slaves do. I'm a sucker for veiny cock. Like, literally. 

Tuesday, October 29th 2024 - 14:25

Just a fun pic idea that came to me in the moment, just prior to a video toast I made to a special Dom here :)

Tuesday, October 29th 2024 - 14:23

A pretty flower, right?! Don't let these small clips fool you!  Much better "bite" than the large ones. Delicious pain!

Wednesday, October 23rd 2024 - 03:45

One of my absolute favorite activities :)  A favorite of any Doms here, I hope!? Done for her blog titled "Don't Be Afraid of the Sound!"

Monday, October 14th 2024 - 19:44

If you only read one diary entry of mine, this one will tell you everything you need to know about me. I'm still pumped about this scene I did with my filming Dom. I'll say this first about ATM. If you see a scene cut from the ass to the mouth, it's not real ATM. There's been a condom change/change to a duplicate dildo. We start with me legs over head, so she can do the "pile driver" position. Very powerful Dom/sub visual in its own right. After some of her AVN award winning pegging, she removes the dildo from her harness. By hand, she then launches into rapid and deep repetition from ass to mouth. Absolutely no scene cuts! At times she pauses for me to lustfully lick and suck her cock. I was lost in bliss. I had done a stellar job of cleaning myself out and had zero inhibitions with it. Just my lust for perversion. And we're not done yet!  She surprised me by putting a hollow butt plug in me, and then a funnel into that! Holy hell, right?! She then stood up and pissed into my ass. Fucking amazing and I was blown away! From there, to end the scene, I was told to jackoff on my masked face. I never orgasm 5-6 days prior to filming and that helped me fire off three good ropes. Two made it to my face. All was collected and then hand fed to me. While I was doing that, the piss that hadn't drained into my ass was spilling out of the funnel onto me! Fucking spectacular! So proud of this one! 

Friday, October 11th 2024 - 01:29

My ultimate fantasy. Doing a double session with a beautiful, red haired trans Dom with a great ass, full tits and a large, veiny cock w an oversized head. The other slave would be thin, weak, and have a virgin ass and mouth. She and I team up to pop his cherries.  I suck the Doms cock to please the Dom and demonstrate to the other slave the required technique and enthusiasm level when he sucks my cock. Same tutorial with butt fucking., except handled by the Dom. The Dom cums on my cock and he licks it off, but saves it to transfer it to his face. I then cum on his face and then he cums on his own face. He is not allowed to clean any of it off. He must leave it all to dry and flake/wear off on its own, no matter how long it takes. 

Tuesday, October 8th 2024 - 03:47

Yes, I love to suck cock. And have done so, unfortunately only three times, so far.  I fucking love it. It just turns me into an animal, and is a high like nothing else. It extends the joy and lust I have for my own cock by just letting go and using my mouth, throat, tongue and hands to fully enjoy the cock as a source of pleasure. That is why it exists and as stated, lets me experience cock from both sides of the fence, so to speak. I don't give a fuck what label society puts on me for doing so. I only care about pleasure. If I must label myself, it's "hetero flexible," as I only have that unique bond with women. But I am absolutely obsessed with cock. Cocks are for giving and receiving pleasure. And I am the man for both jobs. Yes, I worship cock, and fucking love that I do. My hopes here are that I inspire others to live a full, pleasure filled life unencumbered by the judgement of others. 

Monday, October 7th 2024 - 04:21

I am proud to state I am owned by the World's Best Pegger, Mistress Lizbeth!  She and I go back awhile and will own me forever, but has generously allowed me "free range slave" privileges. She is the gold standard in butt fucking a slave and giving exquisite verbal humiliation while doing so.  Mistress Lizbeth St Jade is the GOAT of the genre!

Sunday, October 6th 2024 - 02:24
I have the high privilege of filming with a nationally, and to a significant degree, internationally known Femdom. I have been the sub in 14 of Her clips, as of this writing. Scenes include pegging,   bondage,  caning/spanking/paddling, orgasm control/JOI, latex shining/body worship, smoking, body bag, CBT w cane, CBT w devices, cum eating and piss drinking. A CBT clip W/we filmed was actually banned from the major clip platform! It was both frustrating and rewarding. Frustrating because of how I suffered so well for it. Rewarding because it was worthy of being banned. Overall, It is sooo amazing to be able to participate in the kink world in this way! I just love performing and it just really turns me on fueling people's fantasies! It is both an honor and a privilege! 
Saturday, October 5th 2024 - 01:42

I have to confess that my brain just never shuts down when it comes to kink and BDSM. It's like a curse and a gift. I can't go into a hardware store or HomeGoods store without thinking about what this or that gadget could be used for.  That said, I just love that's there no limit to the things I can think of, no limit to the experiences I can create for myself and others. I just adore everything about this world! 

Thursday, October 3rd 2024 - 13:33

Let's talk about cum. What is it about guys'  fascination with it? Virtually every guy enjoys porn cumming on womens' bodies. Further, guys cumming on themselves and eating their own cum is starting to approach mainstream in porn. Look at the views and likes and comments on CEI vids and see for yourself. So again, why? I can only answer for myself, but I believe plenty of other guys feel the same. Cum is the physical manifestation of the orgasm and everything leading up to it. The arousal, energy, lust, the desire for pleasure. Painting my face with it and then consuming it internalizes all those forces and gives me a level of confirmation, almost renewal that I am a sexual creature and that I lust for myself. It is very self affirming. My favorite method is to roll my legs over my head and cum on my face while having the visual pleasure of my cock being very close to my face. Cumming in this manner allows me to be both the giver and receiver of my load, at exactly the same blissful moment. Your thoughts? Why the fascination with cum. Feel free to DM me to agree, disagree and to provide your own opinion. 

Wednesday, October 2nd 2024 - 01:11

I adore piss play. That said, the sessions I've done aren't a sustained activity to allow me to relish in this fetish. Seeking a Dom, male or female that has deep experience in exploring this intense lust I have for all things piss. 

Monday, September 30th 2024 - 12:38
About me ... I confess to being an absolute, chronic masterbator, all my life. I am not ashamed of that, rather, I fully embrace it. I love being used, abused and humiliated by beautiful, genuine Femdoms. It is cathartic, therapeutic  for me to take pain for a skilled, professional Dominatrix. It creates a level of intimacy I very much adore. I have the high privilege of filming with a well known Femdom, and O/our work is on the major clip platform. 
Date Ownership change
2025-03-21 16:28:51 Starts serving Mistress Lady_Lucrezia
2025-03-19 01:16:30 Ends its services to Mistress MistressLizbeth
2024-10-07 04:10:56 Starts serving Mistress MistressLizbeth
Only Verified Masters / Mistresses have access to cum logs
The items shown below were agreed to by the slave when doing its Skills Assessment.
(Only the low level skills and below are displayed, you need to be a registered Dom to see all the skills.)

Anal Play

Here is your butt plug and the cock cage. Every time I tell you to ''Present Yourself'', you will drop your panties to your ankles for inspection. I need to make sure my sissy slave isn't being naughty and breaking my rules.
You will clean my kitchen wearing pink panties only, with a butt plug nicely inserted, while my friends and I watch.
I will attach a leash to you buttplug and make you hold weights with it while cleaning and every time it falls out the weight will be increased and at the end you will get spanked the amount of times it fell out 10x
I want you to kneel naked in front of a mirror, repeating out loud how unworthy you are as you ride a dildo.
You will wear a Lovense toy in your ass when you go to bed naked. While you sleep, I will tease and play with your ass. In the morning you will send a picture of your bed. If there is a wet spot, I will punish you.
I will connect your nipples, your genitals, and your asshole to an e-stim device and train you every day until you are able to take on the highest settings for an extended period of time
You will be tied with your legs spread and your ass exposed. I will take a cucumber and insert it into your asshole, making you hold it in place for several minutes.
I will put a vibrating but plug in your ass with an ash tray attached to it and you will stay bent over beside me while I smoke and if you drop any ash I will put it out on your ass cheek
You will bend over in front of Me, exposing your ass. I will use a dildo to spank you 10 times, preparing you for the strap-on humiliation that will follow.
I want you to wear your rosebud all day and send me 3 pictures of you wearing it in 3 different public locations.
Get your shoulders on the ground, back pressed against the bed, legs hanging over your head, and your dick facing your mouth. I’m going to fuck your ass until you cum on your face and eat it.
You will get a replica of your pathetic cock made. I will fit it to my belt, then you can get ready for some pegging!
I will but put a vibrating plug up your ass and tape your cheeks together. Now i will tie you up an leave you lying on the floor.
Let's go for a ride in the car. You'll have a butt plug inserted. We'll put a board on the passenger seat before you sit. Seat belts on! I hope you're comfortable.
Now that you work from home I will attach a remote vibrating dildo to your work chair. You must sit on it while you are working. Occasionally I will switch it on, I hope you're not on too many zoom calls.
You will be on your hand and knees in front of Me, facing away from Me, and I will fuck your ass with my heels while I watch TV
I will make you cum on a buttplug and put it up your ass. You are only allowed to remove it after you've come a second time.
As punishment you will bounce up and down on this dildo while singing Britney Spears, "Oops I did it again" at the top of your lungs until you are permitted to stop
Wear this butt plug under your pants, we are going out shopping.
I want you to moan loudly while I fuck your ass.
You will insert a phallus shaped vegetable of my choice in your asshole
I will lubricate you ass with your cum before taking your ass
I will have you wear a blindfold and handcuffs. You will then be positioned on your knees, and I will tease your asshole with My strap-on, making you beg for Me to penetrate you.
I want you to insert a butt plug, wear a short skirt, and then bend over in front of Me to reveal your sissy ass. You will remain in this position until I tell you to stand.

Nipple Play

I will connect your nipples, your genitals, and your asshole to an e-stim device and train you every day until you are able to take on the highest settings for an extended period of time
I will drop candle wax on your nipples to punish you.
Stand with your legs spread wide and your hands behind your head. I will use a pair of nipple clamps to tightly squeeze your nipples, tugging and twisting them periodically for 10 minutes.
You will wear nipple clamps and start cleaning until the floor is spotless.
I’ll tie you to the bed and use hot tea bags to tease your nipples and testicles
I'm going to tie your hands behind your back and suspend tea bags from your breasts. You will bend to infuse until I tell you to stop.


I want you to go shopping with me and try on the clothes I pick out for you.
You will strip down to your underwear and wear a pair of high heels. Walk back and forth in front of Me for 10 minutes, ensuring you maintain balance and poise. If you stumble, you will be punished.
You are no longer allowed to wear male underwear while under my control. You will only wear women's panties from now on.
Today I want you to put nail polish on your fingers before to go to work
You will clean my kitchen wearing pink panties only, with a butt plug nicely inserted, while my friends and I watch.
I want you to dress up the same as Me on women's day
From now on I want you to dress as a maid when we're at home
You will wear pink cuffs and a collar. I will lead you around the house on a pink leash, making you practice your sissy walk.
I will dress you in an elaborate corset and high heels, then have you parade around the room, performing a sensual dance for my amusement.
I'm going to the gym today you will come with me as my towel sissy. You will stand next to me as I work out and wipe the sweat from me with a towel.
I will have you order a pizza for delivery and accept the delivery in your cutest sissy outfit
You will dress in a frilly pink dress and wear matching lingerie underneath. You will then parade around the room, showing off your sissy outfit and curtsying in front of Me.
You'll accompany me to the gym wearing a girly outfit.
I will watch you mow my lawn in a mini skirt and sports bra
I want you to wear a lipstick under a Covid mask outside
You will pole dance in a girls' outfit to please me and my guests.
I will make you practice walking in heels for me and trip you with my cane every time you slightly wobble.
You will wear lace gloves and delicately serve Me, showing how refined a sissy you’ve become.
You will wear the girliest outfit under your cloths today including a push up bra. We are going shopping to see how many people notice your breasts.
You will wear a woman's wig, fake nails, makeup, heels and be treated like a whore.
I want to test my new make-up on you first before I'll try it on myself.
I will send you to a website to teach you about fashion how to choose cute outfits. Then you will chose 4 cute outfits that you will have to wear while you are serving Me.
I want you to masturbate wearing panties. Cum into the panties and lick them clean
Whenever you are at home alone you must wear dresses and heels at all times. I will video call you and do random checks.
You will wear a short skirt, high heels and a butt plug. You will carry these glass of wines on a tray to the other side of the room and you will stay a day in chastity for each glass that you spilled.
Kneel in front of Me wearing your cutest maid outfit. I will instruct you on how to clean My shoes with your tongue, ensuring every inch is spotless while you hum a girlish tune.
I want you to insert a butt plug, wear a short skirt, and then bend over in front of Me to reveal your sissy ass. You will remain in this position until I tell you to stand.
Dress as a woman in heels and show me how you would dance as a girl.
Dress in a pair of My lingerie that my lover enjoys. Parade in front of Me while I describe how he appreciates seeing Me in it more than you. You will then masturbate in front of Me, but you are not allowed to cum.
You will wear a chastity cage and lock it securely. Then, you will dress in a maid outfit and serve Me tea, ensuring you perform every task with grace and humility.
Put on your favorite pair of panties and sit with your legs crossed. I will paint your toenails a bright, girly color while you recite a mantra of your devotion to Me.
You will wear a cheerleader uniform and shake your pompoms for me.


Stand facing the wall, arms and legs outstretched and hold a coin with your nose to the wall for 15 minutes
Whenever you give or offer Me something, you will always do it with both of your hands instead of just one
I shall command you to stand at attention, hands clasped firmly behind your back. Any fidgeting or deviation from this posture will result in swift punishment.
Shave off all your hair. You will be spanked for every follicle I find.
I want you to regularly send me a letter mentioning everything you have done, said, and thought because the slave has no secrets for his Master/Mistress
You will practice my hypnosis routine every day. Melt your mind, pour it in a bowl, and give it to Me. You will become a perfect toy for Me to destroy over and over again.
I'm going to tattoo you with a QR code which when scanned will shows that you are owned by Me, your Mistress
You will be tied up with a piece of candy forced into your mouth. You will hold it there until I decide you are worthy of consuming it. Once permitted, you will eat the candy slowly, savoring the taste and thanking Me.
You are not allowed to speak for 7 days
You will sleep at the foot of my bed, and listen as I have sex with my bull
Every evening, you must perform 100 squats while repeating out loud "I am here to serve my Mistress in any way She desires." If you lose count, you start over.
I want you to keep a daily log of punishment on which you will indicate your faults
I will make you perfectly memorize and recite poems of devotion to Me in front of my friends
I want you to take an online course on how to properly give Me a manicure
I want you to balance your favourite toy on your head while you kneel, holding it in place until I tell you to stop.
I will make you freeze your pee into ice cubes and force you to suck one every time you disappoint me
Kneel down and hold the phone, so that I can watch a movie on it.
You will be gagged and blindfolded, kneeling with weights attached to your genitals. I will slowly add more weights, forcing you to endure the increasing pressure. You must remain perfectly still and whisper My name continuously.
I want you to wake up every morning, cum into a sock and wear it for the day
I will ignore you for 7 days and only after this will you have the honour of Me talking to you.
Get down on your knees and beg me to give you permission to cum
I want you to help me prepare dinner and then be my serving boy as I eat dinner, if you're hungry you can eat leftovers from a dog bowl after I'm done eating and you've washed the dishes
I will make you clean my dirty underwear by hand every night before you are allowed to go to sleep.
As a punishment I will prepare a pot with ice water and you will crouch on top of it naked so that your testicles rest in the ice water.
Every night before bed, you will lay out your clothes for the next day and send me a picture. You will wear only what I approve, no exceptions.
I won't let you use any technology because your only purpose is to serve me
You must worship not just My body, but every object that belongs to Me, treating everything as if it were an extension of Me - My shoes, My clothes, The chair I sit on etc.... Every action and word must express your devotion to Me.
You will learn to respond to various whip lashes and other impacts with appropriate vocalizations and reactions.
When the weather allows it, you will sleep outside naked in a dog house
You will give Me full access to your computer and your phone, and I will set a new password. From now you will have to beg ?e every time you would wish to use your phone or computer.
As a punishment I will tie your hands behind your back and make you type a text on the keyboard with your nose while wearing clamps on your body
Everytime I ring the bell I want you on your knees infront of me in 10 seconds otherwise I will punish you.
You will wear latex like second skin at all times.
Each evening, you will stand before me completely nude, head bowed. I will then slowly and methodically inspect every inch of your trembling form, taking note of your response to my touch.
From now on you'll always have to wait for My permission to eat.
I want you to always wear a ring or bracelet with an engraved 'Loyal slave of MY NAME'
I am bored , I want you to think new games for me play on you every month, and you will beg me to try it on you, if it is not fun enough, you will be punished.
You are forbidden to enter to "our" bedroom without my explicit permission.
You should call me mom from now on.
You will follow me all day a few feet behind and pick up any litter or tidy up any mess I make immediately.
You will learn to balance various objects on your body for my amusement - cups, books. Hold each pose until I am satisfied.
I want you to shave your entire body smooth, leaving no hair behind. Afterward, you will present yourself to Me for inspection and approval, standing completely naked.
I am hosting a party tonight. You will kneel at the entry. Your hands will be bound behind you and you will be blindfolded. Each guest will introduce themselves to you when they arrive. You must memorize the sound of their voice. Through the evening they will come say hello to you. If you reply to them with the wrong name you must satisfy them orally.
You are not allowed to talk to any women without My permission.
You are not allowed to curse anymore. Every time I hear you curse, I will have you keep a soap in your mouth for 5 minutes to clean your mouth!
Swear you will obey your Master/Mistress's commands every night and morning with a voice recorder and send it to your Master/Mistress
I will tie your hands and attach a leash to your testicles to make sure you follow me submissively everywhere.
Hang this bell from your cock and edge 3 times. If I hear just one tinkle you will be spanked.
I will put drawing pins under your heals so that you must stay on your tip toes as long as I deem necessary.
I will carefully bind your wrists together, then secure the rope to an overhead beam, leaving you standing on tiptoes. The slightest wavering will result in a most unpleasant punishment.
While I’m on vacation you’ll stay at my home. You’ll stay in chastity and I want a clean house when I return. If I’m not pleased you’ll be punished.
You will stand in the corner, your hands cuffed behind your back and a heavy book balanced on your head. If the book falls, you will receive a punishment. You must remain perfectly still for as long as I demand.
I will leave you a long list of tasks everyday when I go to work and you will be spanked for every incomplete tasks when I come back
Every time I enter the same room as you, you will drop to your knees, kiss my feet and then you'll continue your duty.
I want you to kneel at my feet while masturbating, edge and ruin your own orgasm.
You will wear a tight cock cage and be instructed to write an essay about why you deserve to be my slave. You will then read it aloud while kneeling before Me.
It is insulting that you would expect your mistress to speak to you, a slave, in her non-native language. You must learn your mistress's native language and only communicate using it
I will be sitting on my computer chair that will be tied with a rope to your balls and you will be naked on all fours like a dog. You will take me wherever I ask you to and I will whip you if you are not fast enough.
I want you to create a detailed weekly schedule of domestic duties, including meal preparation, cleaning, and personal services for Me. You will follow this schedule meticulously, checking in with Me daily for feedback.
When guests arrive, you will crawl to greet them on hands and knees, head bowed in deference. You are to remain at their feet until dismissed.
I want you to stop immediately what you are doing and shut up when I snap my fingers, and you will kiss my hand to show Me your gratitude and respect
I want you to confess to Me every day
I will gently run the tips of my fingers up and down the soles of your bare feet, watching with delight as you squirm and try to suppress your laughter. You must remain perfectly still, no matter how unbearable the sensations become.
I will blindfold you and lead you through a maze of obstacles, guiding you only with verbal cues. You must trust me completely and follow all instructions.
I want you to shower fully dressed as a punishment, and dry yourself with a hairdryer
You will take off your clothes and walk like dog in the garden in the middle of the night

Pain & CBT

You will sit with your legs spread wide. I will use a feather to tickle your testicles, occasionally interspersed with sharp flicks of My fingers to surprise you.
You will stand with your hands tied above your head. I will attach small weights to your testicles, gradually increasing the weight over time, forcing you to endure the stretching sensation.
You will kneel on uncooked rice for five minutes, feeling the sharp discomfort with every second passing
You have 10 minutes to type this document. I have installed a software on the system in such a way that every time you have to press the space key, it will send a shock to your nipples.
You will stand perfectly still as I slowly drip hot wax from a candle all over your bare skin. You are not allowed to flinch or make a sound, no matter how much it burns.
You will hang ball weights on your pathetic balls and do chores around the house until I let you rest
You will be tightly bound to a chair with your chest exposed. I will drip hot wax from a candle onto your nipples and chest. You must thank me for each drop and apologize for your weakness.
You will lie on your back with your legs spread. I will tie a string around your testicles and pull it gently, gradually increasing the tension until you are on the brink of discomfort.
I will attach a leash to you buttplug and make you hold weights with it while cleaning and every time it falls out the weight will be increased and at the end you will get spanked the amount of times it fell out 10x
I've decided I would prefer your cock and balls to be hairless I don't like looking at your bushy groin. Go fetch the tweezers and get ready for a long night.
You will stand naked, legs spread, arms tied above your head, with a bucket attached to your balls. I will interrogate you. If an answer is not satisfactory to me, I will pour a cup of water into the bucket.
I will punish you by rubbing some tiger balm on your balls
I will walk on your body with my high heels to punish you.
I will have you wear a maid’s uniform and clean the room meticulously. Any dust or dirt left behind will lead to you being paddled across your buttocks, ensuring you learn to be thorough.
I want to tie my purse to your balls while you stand in utter pain as I add more and more weight.
I’ll tie your hands behind back and put 8 ice cubes in your pants. You have to suck my pussy till the ice cubes melts.
I will make you carry weight from your testicles to make sure you will be slow and careful in your moves.
You will be gagged and blindfolded, kneeling with weights attached to your genitals. I will slowly add more weights, forcing you to endure the increasing pressure. You must remain perfectly still and whisper My name continuously.
You will kneel before Me and place a piece of ice in your mouth. You must hold it there until it completely melts, all while maintaining eye contact with Me and thanking Me for the privilege.
As a punishment I will prepare a pot with ice water and you will crouch on top of it naked so that your testicles rest in the ice water.
I will connect your nipples, your genitals, and your asshole to an e-stim device and train you every day until you are able to take on the highest settings for an extended period of time
You will wear a shock collar for your training and you will receive an electric shock every time I am not pleased with you.
I want you to call in a delivery order for my dinner. But you must wear a ring gag. You will receive 10 lashes of my cane for every mistake that is made of my order.
You will wear a spiked chastity cage, then I will try on bikinis, which you will have to rate 1-10.
I will remove all the hair from your sex with tweezers
You will learn to respond to various whip lashes and other impacts with appropriate vocalizations and reactions.
I will put a vibrating but plug in your ass with an ash tray attached to it and you will stay bent over beside me while I smoke and if you drop any ash I will put it out on your ass cheek
I want you to lie down on the floor, I am going to trample you.
You've been a bad boy, I will hang a weight from your balls and make you stand in the corner holding a penny against the wall with your nose until I release you
I want you to go for a walk with nipple clamps under your clothes
I will drop candle wax on your nipples to punish you.
I want you to wear a metal chastity cage and do 10 pushups. Every time you go down I wanna hear the sound of your chastity cage touching the floor.
You will stand with your legs apart while I use a soft rope to tie your testicles tightly, creating a feeling of restriction. You must maintain your stance without flinching.
I want you to wear shoes too small for you and accompany me shopping
I want you to kiss my black boots that I used to bust your balls.
I will caress your entire body with nettles.
I want you become my personal human ashtray
You will kneel before me on raw rice for 20 minutes with your hands behind your head, repeating the phrase 'Pain is pleasure' with each exhale.
I want you to stand on your tiptoes with your arms tied above your head. I will attach clothespins to your nipples and testicles, increasing the number of clothespins with each passing minute to test your endurance and pain tolerance.
I will slap your face when I'm not satisfied with you.
I will make you tie your balls separately with shoelaces and you will come jogging with Me
I want you to lie face down with your hands and feet bound. I will place a vibrating cock ring around your testicles, and you must endure the intense vibrations for a set amount of time without begging for relief.
Stand naked in front of Me and spread your legs wide. I will use a small whip or flogger to lightly lash your testicles 50 times, varying the angle and intensity to keep you on edge.
My friends are coming over we are gonna have faceslapping party with you, we will spit on your face and slap your face
You will wear nipple clamps and start cleaning until the floor is spotless.
Hang this bell from your cock and edge 3 times. If I hear just one tinkle you will be spanked.
I will carefully bind your wrists together, then secure the rope to an overhead beam, leaving you standing on tiptoes. The slightest wavering will result in a most unpleasant punishment.
I want you to stand in front of Me, naked, with a clothespin on each of your nipples. You will perform 20 jumping jacks, ensuring that the clothespins do not fall off. If they do, you will repeat the exercise.
I will duck tape four dices under each of your feet and you will follow Me everywhere I go
You will kneel on a frozen bag of peas until I free you
I will masturbate you but at the exact moment you want to ejaculate I will squeeze your cock so no cum can come out.
I need you and 5 other slaves to place their balls in the pocket of a billiards table while my friends and I play
I had a bad day, and I am so angry I feeling like insulting and humiliating you so I want you to get down on your knees and bow in front of me while I whip you and degrade you.
You will be standing up naked, your hands tied up to the ceiling as I will whip you with nettles.
I want your body pressed against the window while I peg you
I’ll tie you to the bed and use hot tea bags to tease your nipples and testicles
I will be sitting on my computer chair that will be tied with a rope to your balls and you will be naked on all fours like a dog. You will take me wherever I ask you to and I will whip you if you are not fast enough.
I will insert a sound into your peehole
I will make you wear a spiked cock ring and watch me undress in front of you.
I will tie you down and blindfold you. My bull and I will take turns thrusting deep inside of you. You will get one guess if it is Me or my bull. If you are wrong, you will receive 10 lashes from my cane.
I want you to watch the football game of my favorite team with Me. For every goal from the opposite team you will receive a punishment and even more painful punishment if My team loses.
I want you to stand on your tiptoes with your arms tied above your head. I will attach clothespins to your nipples and testicles, increasing the number of clothespins with each passing minute to test your endurance and pain tolerance.

Toilet Play

Remove your clothes and lay in the bathtub, I will do an anal enema and release the water all over your body.
I am wearing a diaper and expect you to change it every time my diaper gets dirty.
I want you to lick the toilet bowl as a punishment.
Today you will not be allowed to visit the bathroom. Instead you will wear a diaper and let me know when it needs changing.


You will stand with your hands tied above your head. I will attach small weights to your testicles, gradually increasing the weight over time, forcing you to endure the stretching sensation.
You will partner with another slave. The other slave has to drink a 25cl glass of water every 5 min. You will be laid down on your back with your partner kneeling down on top of you, sex on top of your mouth. Your mouth will be forced open. A large piece of fabric will be positioned beneath your head. After 1 hour the fabric must be pressed over the mouth of the other slave, only then are you both free to go.
You will be tightly bound to a chair with your chest exposed. I will drip hot wax from a candle onto your nipples and chest. You must thank me for each drop and apologize for your weakness.
You will make your Mistress cum by holding a vibrator in your mouth, hands attached behind your back.
You will stand naked, legs spread, arms tied above your head, with a bucket attached to your balls. I will interrogate you. If an answer is not satisfactory to me, I will pour a cup of water into the bucket.
You will be gagged and blindfolded, your wrists and ankles bound to the bedposts. I will tease you with a series of slow, sensual touches and deny you any release until you beg with tears in your eyes.
I’ll tie you spread-eagle to my dungeon table, inspecting and teasing every inch of your exposed body.
I will bind your wrists to the bedposts, then tease your most sensitive areas with the soft caress of a feather. You must remain perfectly still, resisting the urge to arch into my touch.
I want to put you in a vacuum bag in my wardrobe so that only your head comes out of the bag.
I will bind you to a chair for a full day, blindfolded, naked, gagged, with a small cage on your cock and a vibrating plug in your ass. You will wear headphones that will be looping an audio file of my voice leading you deeper into submission.
You will be tied up in the middle of the room, standing up. I will inspect your fridge, choose a random shelf and throw at you every food I can find on that shelf.
You will wear pink cuffs and a collar. I will lead you around the house on a pink leash, making you practice your sissy walk.
Tonight I have invited a few guests over, I want you to wear a leash and a blindfold and do whatever the person holding the leash tells you to.
I will lock you up in the closet on your knees and leave you there for as long as it pleases me.
You will wait in front of my door blindfolded. I will pick you up and use you for my pleasure but you won't see me. I will release you after 2 hours in front of my door, you will remove the blindfold and leave.
You will wear a shock collar for your training and you will receive an electric shock every time I am not pleased with you.
I will cuff your hands behind your back and with a feather duster mounted to your ballgag you will clean my apartment for the next two hours.
I want to leash you by the cock and take you around
You will be tied with your legs spread and your ass exposed. I will take a cucumber and insert it into your asshole, making you hold it in place for several minutes.
You will spend the night gagged using tape with my dirty socks inside your mouth
I will gag you with a bit gag and stick a tail plug in your ass and you must act like a human pony all day
After I workout I will tie you to a chair and shove my sweaty socks into your mouth and gag you, then put my sweaty panties over your face.
I want you on all fours next to my bathtub. I will put candles and my glass of wine on your back while I am taking a long relaxing bath.
I will gag you with your own socks
You will go to somewhere I decided with a pair of socks in your mouth
I will put casts on your arms and tease you for as long as I want when they dry. I will remove them after locking you in chastity.
I will punish you by tying you to the bed and tickle your feet with a feather until you can't take it anymore.
I'm having visitors. I'll put you in a cage under the table and put a sheet over it. I don't want to hear you all evening, otherwise my visitors can have their way with you.
I will but put a vibrating plug up your ass and tape your cheeks together. Now i will tie you up an leave you lying on the floor.
I'll drop you off at a femdom-party, naked except for your collar, cuffs and chastity cage. You'll have to serve any Mistress who demands you to do so. To check your performance I'll dangle a rubber stamp stating 'demerit' from your collar. Any mistress may imprint your body with it, if you displease her. When picking you up again I will count the stamps. Each one earns you ten strokes of the cane and a week in chastity.
I want you to stand on your tiptoes with your arms tied above your head. I will attach clothespins to your nipples and testicles, increasing the number of clothespins with each passing minute to test your endurance and pain tolerance.
You will be chained up up and taught how to suck a cock
I will make you tie your balls separately with shoelaces and you will come jogging with Me
I will tie your hands and attach a leash to your testicles to make sure you follow me submissively everywhere.
You will sleep with a pair of socks in your mouth
You will be tied up and I will make you take a cold water shower.
Blindfolded and restrained, you will wait in anticipation as I drag a series of different objects - feathers, silk, ice - across the soles of your feet. You must correctly identify each one without being able to see.
My bull is coming over to fuck me. You'll be tied up and gagged under the bed, so you can hear me getting fucked. If you stay quiet I'll let you clean me after me and my bull came.
You will be tied up laying on your back, with your mouth forced open. A drop dispenser containing my urine will be hung above your mouth and you shall stay in this position until the dispenser is empty.
I will have you wear a blindfold and handcuffs. You will then be positioned on your knees, and I will tease your asshole with My strap-on, making you beg for Me to penetrate you.
I will do a tutorial video on shibari and tying someone up and you will be my rope bunny for it
You will be standing up naked, your hands tied up to the ceiling as I will whip you with nettles.
I’ll tie you to the bed and use hot tea bags to tease your nipples and testicles
I want you to take your coat and put your hands in the pockets. I will handcuff you underneath and we will go for a walk.
You will practice encasing yourself entirely in a tight latex bodysuit, sealing yourself in until only your eyes are visible. You must remain motionless for as long as I demand.
You will drink a full liter of water now and I will punish you by tying you to the bed and tickling you with a feather until you pee on yourself.

Pet Play

You will wear a collar and leash, and I will lead you around the room, commanding you to crawl, kneel, and stand at my whim. You must obey without hesitation, your eyes fixed on the floor.
I will put a short leash on you and tie the leash to my ankle so you will have to follow me on all fours everywhere I go
You will kneel while I throw scraps of food on the floor, eating them without using your hands
You will present yourself naked and on all fours. I will place a leash on your collar, and you will crawl around the room following My commands, barking like a dog.
I will make you crawl to me, carrying my slippers in your mouth like the obedient slave you are
I want you to eat a can of the cheapest, nastiest dog food on the market from the floor. If you throw up, you will be punished.
You are a dog, you are only allowed to eat and drink from the pet's bowls.
I'm having visitors. I'll put you in a cage under the table and put a sheet over it. I don't want to hear you all evening, otherwise my visitors can have their way with you.
You are a dog, you will only walk on all fours.
You will take off your clothes and walk like dog in the garden in the middle of the night


I will make you look directly into my eyes while my bull fucks me from behind making me cum.
You will create an outfit using garbage bags and wear it until the end of the day
I want you to regularly send me a letter mentioning everything you have done, said, and thought because the slave has no secrets for his Master/Mistress
There is a puddle of water. Take off your jacket and put it on the water so i can walk over it without getting my shoes wet.
Get on your knees I will inspect your brawn. Open your mouth let me see your teeth and tongue. I don’t need the weak and ill slaves.
I will spit my chewed grapes into your mouth.
You will hang a cat bell to your sex so that your Master/Mistress always hears you moving.
I want you to open your mouth so that I can put my bloody pad inside.
I want you to clean my asshole full of another man’s cum
You will practice my hypnosis routine every day. Melt your mind, pour it in a bowl, and give it to Me. You will become a perfect toy for Me to destroy over and over again.
I will spit on the ground and you will lick it.
I'm going to tattoo you with a QR code which when scanned will shows that you are owned by Me, your Mistress
For every ten dollars you earn, you are only allowed to keep one. The rest will go towards your mistress's expenses.
I want you to masturbate and edge 3 times before I will make you ruin your orgasm on my feet.
I'm going to brand you with my initials just above your sex so everyone who sees knows you're mine
You will buy a custom dildo that has been modeled after your own cock. When I am not satisfied with you, I will make you suck your own cock as a punishment.
Today I want you to put nail polish on your fingers before to go to work
You will accompany Me to buy shoes and you will have to be in charge of helping me put them on, use the shoehorn and, if there are laces, tie them. It doesn't matter if people stare at you.
This is an ice cube made with pee, I will rub it on your body every time I am disappointed in you.
You will clean my kitchen wearing pink panties only, with a butt plug nicely inserted, while my friends and I watch.
Today you will go to work wearing my cum soaked panties and a condom containing my bulls cum in your pocket. I will do some checks during the day to make sure you are an obedient slut.
I will give you a list of degrading names, and you must repeat each one 10 times while looking at yourself in the mirror, nodding in agreement.
Here is a glass of wine for you but before you drink it I will add a few drops of my pee inside because real wine is too good for a slave.
I want you to stand in the corner, silent and still, as I enjoy an evening with my friends
You will amuse me by holding a penny against the wall with your nose while keeping your cock hard if you get soft before I release you Mistress will punish you
I want you to learn how to sew, so you can sew your new mask using my old panties when I replace them with new ones.
You will sleep at the foot of my bed, and listen as I have sex with my bull
You will get a permanent tattoo with my name on your leg so everyone knows I own you
I’ll make you hold open a door for me while calling me “Mistress” in a low voice, hoping someone overhears.
I want you to swallow viagra. After your cock is big and hard i will put numbing creme all over your shaft and glans. When you don‘t feel anything anymore in your cock i will please myself using your cock as my toy. I will enjoy my big riding your cock while you feel nothing.
I want you to smother yourself between my thighs while pleasuring Me till I come. Every time you take a breath I will slap you.
I will make you rub your face in my sweaty armpits.
Get down on your knees and beg Me not to punish you
I want you to perfectly paint my nickname on your finger nails (one letter/number on every nail)
My friend invited me for a party. You will be on a leash and I want you to smell her slaves balls to say hello
You will lie on your back with your legs spread wide. I will insert My strap-on into your mouth, and you will deep-throat it as far as you can, gagging if necessary, while looking up at Me.
We will share this lollipop, except that you will be sucking it and that I will put it in my ass, each in turn
You will watch me with my bull, when he enters me, you will shove a dildo up your ass and play with it until my bull pulls out, so we can both be fucked together
Here are two very nice pastries for us. While I will be eating mine, you will be dropping yours into your underwear and give yourself a good massage down there and watch me eating.
I will only allow you to drink out of a baby bottle.
I want you to suck the door knob like a baby.
You will cum in a glass and drink the contents.
I want you to cum inside me, then I will sit on your face and you will have to lick it out of me.
You will be tied up in the middle of the room, standing up. I will inspect your fridge, choose a random shelf and throw at you every food I can find on that shelf.
You will replace your phones screen lock with a picture of you you dressed up in full sissy outfit
I want you to install cameras in your home and give me the control over them. So you'll never know if I am watching you or not.
I will slap your face with my cock
You will wear a pink ribbon around your penis whenever you are at home
I want you to rub my pussy with your fingers and then lick those fingers.
I will make you freeze your pee into ice cubes and force you to suck one every time you disappoint me
I will make you carry weight from your testicles to make sure you will be slow and careful in your moves.
You will apply bright red lipstick to your penis and tell it to kiss my feet as an apology for its size.
You will crawl to me, only to be ignored, left to stew in your insignificance.
I'll install a spy software on all your devices. You're not allowed to have any secrets for Me.
I want to watch you calling someone on the phone while jerking off and cuming before to hang up
Tonight I have invited a few guests over, I want you to wear a leash and a blindfold and do whatever the person holding the leash tells you to.
Me and my friends are going to organize a competition for slaves. In that competition the slave have to blow on artificial dick and whoever wins that competition gets to cum so I want you to give your best blowjob.
Kneel before me and apologize for your existence. Make sure to look me in the eyes and tell me in detail why you are grateful to serve Me, emphasizing your worthlessness without Me.
I want you to wake up every morning, cum into a sock and wear it for the day
This is an ice cube made with pee, I will rub it gently on your lips for you to taste it.
I want you to write with a marker "I LOVE COCKS" on your forearm and leave it there for 48h
I want you to help me prepare dinner and then be my serving boy as I eat dinner, if you're hungry you can eat leftovers from a dog bowl after I'm done eating and you've washed the dishes
You will accompany me for a walk in the forest but you will be wearing only your underwear.
I will allow you to cum in my pussy only but you will clean my pussy with your tongue and swallow everything that comes out afterwards
I’ll have you pick up items I deliberately drop, no matter who is watching.
I will take care of you like a mommy.
You will measure your penis in front of me and announce the measurement with pride
You will cum on a toothbrush, then brush your teeth with it for 2 minutes
I will make you wear a dildo gag and you will make me orgasm with with it while in chastity
You will wear a collar and accompany me for my shopping
You will give me a blowjob while maintaining eye contact.
We'll go to a bar and I want you to beg Me on your knees to buy Me a drink.
You will wash the windows with your tongue
I need to pee. Get on your knees, look up and open your mouth. I want you to swallow every drop of it.
I will make you kneel at my bedside table in silence while I rub my pussy and watch porn.
I will tie you to the bed and you will open your mouth for me to urinate inside.
I want you to kneel down and keep barking until i tell you to stop
You will kneel in the corner of the room, naked, while I talk on the phone with my lover. You are to remain completely silent and still, absorbing your role as the inferior partner.
I want you to fuck a piece of bread in front of Me to completion, and thank Me for letting you relieve yourself
Today I want you to go to work with toenails painted and send Me pictures of your beautiful feet from there
I want you to follow me on all fours everywhere and never stop blowing my dick.
I will put a clip into your nose and tie a rope to it. Then we will go on a walk my little doggy.
I want you to call in a delivery order for my dinner. But you must wear a ring gag. You will receive 10 lashes of my cane for every mistake that is made of my order.
Lay down on that milking table, time to milk those balls
I want to leash you by the cock and take you around
I want you to wear my underwear on your head and walk all around the block.
Your job this week will be to clean my whole dungeon and equipments everyday.
I want you to masturbate me and swallow my cum.
My friends and I expect to drink a lot tonight, I will hold you on a leash near a toilet bowl and you will lick their pussies after they've peed.
I want you to pay a random woman on the street and beg her to insult you in front of all people by spitting on your face.
I will gag you with a bit gag and stick a tail plug in your ass and you must act like a human pony all day
You will cum on your face, and leave it. Later we will go to the shops together, with the dried cum still on your face
I want you to kneel next to me with ashtray gag and wait for me to finish my cigaret
I want you to clean my dirty oven with your toothbrush
You will wear a ring gag and I will choke you with my strap-on dildo
I will have you kneel before Me and lubricate the strapon. You will then take the strapon into your mouth and deepthroat it until I am satisfied with your performance.
You will cum in my ass and I will make you swallow it after
I want you to suck my toes.
I want you to suck my man's cock and make him hard for Me
After I workout I will tie you to a chair and shove my sweaty socks into your mouth and gag you, then put my sweaty panties over your face.
I want you to write 'I have a small penis' on your chest and parade in front of me while reciting it loudly.
I want you to cum on a photo of your own ass
When the weather allows it, you will sleep outside naked in a dog house
I want you act like a dead body no matter what I do to you.
I will put a vibrating but plug in your ass with an ash tray attached to it and you will stay bent over beside me while I smoke and if you drop any ash I will put it out on your ass cheek
I want you to watch as my bull cums on my body, then you will use that cum as lube to jerk yourself off
You will send me daily reports of your earnings and spending. Each report must begin with a statement of how grateful you are to serve me as your financial superior.
You will bend over in front of Me, exposing your ass. I will use a dildo to spank you 10 times, preparing you for the strap-on humiliation that will follow.
I want you to open a youtube channel and post videos of "how to be a slave".
I will make you crawl to me, carrying my slippers in your mouth like the obedient slave you are
I want you to make an OnlyFans/LoyalFans account, where you’ll show your transformation and lifestyle as my slave.
I want you to eat a can of the cheapest, nastiest dog food on the market from the floor. If you throw up, you will be punished.
You will be dressed in frilly sissy lingerie and bound with your hands behind your back. You must worship my ass with your tongue, licking and probing deeply while I mock your pathetic attempts.
You're going to wear a flashing butt plug on our trip out today
I want you to wear your rosebud all day and send me 3 pictures of you wearing it in 3 different public locations.
Get your shoulders on the ground, back pressed against the bed, legs hanging over your head, and your dick facing your mouth. I’m going to fuck your ass until you cum on your face and eat it.
I want you to be my doormat
I want you to fuck Me, too bad you are wearing your chastity cage... Get my strapping you can use that, it is much better than your pathetic cock
You will read a children's storybook aloud in a baby voice while standing naked in the corner. If you make any mistakes, you will start over.
I will watch you mow my lawn in a mini skirt and sports bra
You are a dog, you are only allowed to eat and drink from the pet's bowls.
I will use a cock-leash and tie it to my hips, and so wherever I go your cock follows.
I want you on all fours next to my bathtub. I will put candles and my glass of wine on your back while I am taking a long relaxing bath.
You've been a bad boy, I will hang a weight from your balls and make you stand in the corner holding a penny against the wall with your nose until I release you
You will take me to the restaurant and buy Me most expensive dish while you are only allowed to get the cheapest one
I want you to lick the cum off my boyfriend's cock.
I want you to clean my toes with your toothbrush.
You will accompany me shopping while wearing a cock lock. You will be carrying my shopping bags and I will use your credit card until it is maxed out.
Whenever I come hope I will put my dirty socks in your mouth and you will go to the bathroom to hand wash them
I want you to go to your work with a necklace around your neck
I want you to cum on your hand and slap your face with that hand
I’ll have you write a humiliating confession on a napkin in a coffee shop, leaving it behind for others to find.
I will be monitoring your browser history weekly, and you will clear nothing without my explicit permission.
You will pole dance in a girls' outfit to please me and my guests.
You will cum on top of a rusk. I will place the rusk alongside 2 others on a plate. You will be blindfolded and I will present the plate to you. You will take the first rusk you can find on the plate and eat it.
I will suffocate you with my big juicy ass
I want you to lick my pussy while I'm having my period.
I want you to get on your knees. You will deepthroat my cock until I cum into your throat. You have to swallow the load and thank Me for it.
Kneel down, I will spit on your face until your face is covered with my saliva
Masturbate in front of Me while I talk about my experiences with My lover. You are allowed to edge yourself, but you must not cum. Each time you get close, you must thank My lover for being better than you.
The rest of this month you are only allowed to wear my used underwear under your normal clothes .
You will not marry anyone because your purpose is to serve me for the rest of your life
I want you to wear shoes too small for you and accompany me shopping
There is mud on the path you will lay down in it for Me to walk on you past it
I want you to tell how much a pathetic loser you are to Me
I want you to extract milk from my boobs and keep it in the refrigerator. This will be your only food for tomorrow.
I'll harness you to a carriage and have a good ride.
I want you to lick peanut butter from my ass.
Remove your clothes and lay in the bathtub, I will do an anal enema and release the water all over your body.
I'll drop you off at a femdom-party, naked except for your collar, cuffs and chastity cage. You'll have to serve any Mistress who demands you to do so. To check your performance I'll dangle a rubber stamp stating 'demerit' from your collar. Any mistress may imprint your body with it, if you displease her. When picking you up again I will count the stamps. Each one earns you ten strokes of the cane and a week in chastity.
I want you to open your mouth so that I can put whatever pleases me inside.
We're going to measure your dick. You'll wear a collar displaying how many inches it is.
I will hold your head underwater for 15 seconds while jerking your cock.
I want you become my personal human ashtray
I will spit my chewed chocolate into your mouth.
My garbage bag is full, move all the trash into a new one and put your head inside the old one. I will tie a knot around your neck and make small holes for you to breathe.
You will wear my bra at the office today and I will video call you several times to check.
I want you to remove the dead skin from my feet.
I want you to go and buy the most slutty bikini you could find, we are going to the beach
Today you will be My human clothes rack, so that I can put my laundries on you, and put you in the middle of my garden. If you drop any divine clothes of Mine, you will be punished, hardly.
I want you to clean the toilet bowl.
I will smother you with my armpits for 2 minutes.
I want to sit on your face while I give my bull a blowjob
I will cum on your naked body and you will not have the permission to clean it until I say so
I'm going to grab you by the hair and spit on your face until your face is completely covered with my spit.
You will take me to the very best restaurant in the city while wearing your cock lock. You will watch me eating the finest food and wine paid with your credit card while you will be eating a salad with water.
Now you will do everything I say because if you don't I will send an email to your colleagues with a very embarrassing picture of you.
I want you to stand naked in front of a mirror and make out with yourself, covering the mirror in spit and tongue marks from your make-out session.
Each night you will put the pair of panties that I wore during the day on your face as a sleeping mask
I will tie your hands behind your back and you will clean my heels with your tongue.
I am hosting a party tonight. You will kneel at the entry. Your hands will be bound behind you and you will be blindfolded. Each guest will introduce themselves to you when they arrive. You must memorize the sound of their voice. Through the evening they will come say hello to you. If you reply to them with the wrong name you must satisfy them orally.
You will wear a woman's wig, fake nails, makeup, heels and be treated like a whore.
I want you to cum into a condom, then use the cum as a dipping sauce as you eat a lollipop
You will go out for a walk with a pair of cotton socks but no shoes, when you come back you will put the socks in your mouth as a punishment
I want to install some software to spy on all of your devices so I can know everything you are doing online
I will make you wear a ball gag under your mask and send you for groceries shopping.
You will go live on webcam with a vibrator strapped to your cock. I will command you to edge and deny yourself repeatedly, thanking me for each denial and describing how desperate you are to cum, begging for more control.
We will work on your pony training. Put on you highest heels and a collar and leash. I will lead you down the street and back in perfect walking posture. Knees high, back straight, and head forward at all times or be punished.
Every night when you got sleep, you will sniff my used thongs of the day and fall asleep with my smell
I want you to put your nose in my ass for 2 minutes.
I want you to swallow this Viagra pill and handcuff your hands in your back, then watch me getting fucked by my bull
Write a humiliating note to My lover, thanking him for pleasuring Me in ways you cannot. You will read this note aloud to Me, expressing your gratitude for his presence in our lives.
I will cum on your food and make you eat it.
Sniff a pair of my used panties while I masturbate in front of you, describing My lover's scent and how it makes you feel. You must thank Me for allowing you this small taste of our intimacy.
My friends are coming over we are gonna have faceslapping party with you, we will spit on your face and slap your face
I want you to clean the vibrator with your tongue after I use it in my ass.
My trash can is full, I want you to sort the waste into paper, organic, and tins, and take them to the relevant containers outside.
In a crowded store, you will 'accidentally' drop something behind me and use that opportunity to briefly kiss My ass
I want you to shave your sex in front of me.
I will trample banana with my heels and you are gonna lick it off my heels.
I will cum in a condom and empty it in your mouth. You will swallow every drop of it.
I want you to set up a savings account dedicated solely to funding my desires. You will deposit a fixed percentage of your monthly income into this account and provide me with a credit card to spend the money.
I want you to masturbate in front of an open window until you reach orgasm
It's time for you to be marked as my property we are going to the tattoo parlour today to get your slave name tattooed.
I want you to cum on your pillow, then sleep on it for the night
As punishment you will bounce up and down on this dildo while singing Britney Spears, "Oops I did it again" at the top of your lungs until you are permitted to stop
You will be naked on all fours as l sit on your back and masturbate until l orgasm using my vibrator. Once I am done you will lick my pussy and toy clean.
I'm having a party tonight. You'll stay at the door until all guest have arrived. You'll greet every guest by kissing their shoes and then you'll take their coat.
Wear a chastity device while I describe in detail a sexual encounter with My lover. You must thank Me for sharing and beg to be released, knowing that only he can fulfill My needs.
I will step on your food barefoot and you will clean the food off my feet.
I will smother you with my big ass for one minute
I want you to masturbate wearing panties. Cum into the panties and lick them clean
My bull is coming over to fuck me. You'll be tied up and gagged under the bed, so you can hear me getting fucked. If you stay quiet I'll let you clean me after me and my bull came.
I am gonna spit on your face until your face is covered in my saliva.
I want you to get down on your knees and beg me for forgiveness while I spit on your face.
I will cover your chest in cum and you can’t wash it for a day
I want you to inhale my cigarette smoke.
I want you to clean all my sextoys
You may only drink water today that I have first swilled around my own mouth and spat back out into your glass or bottle.
I want you to follow me on all fours everywhere and never stop licking my pussy.
I want you to wear woman's parfume at your work today
You will make an omelette with your cum as an ingredient and then eat it
You will be dressed in a degrading outfit and bound on your knees. You must alternate between sucking my lover's cock and mine, ensuring you please us both equally.
Wank yourself and swallow your own cum in front of me.
I want to watch you calling someone on the phone while jerking off and cuming before you hang up
I will duck tape four dices under each of your feet and you will follow Me everywhere I go
As soon as I come home from work I will put your plug in with a bell on it and nipple clamps with bells too so I can always hear where you are
Kneel before me as I inspect your body thoroughly. You must thank Me for each comment I make about your appearance, whether positive or negative.
I want you to open your mouth so that I can spit the toothpaste inside after I finish brushing my teeth.
You will wait for me naked in the car parked downtown while I buy something in a shop.
You will accompany me shopping today, you will carry my handbag for me, always walk 2 steps behind me and produce your credit card from my purse whenever I click my fingers.
I need you and 5 other slaves to place their balls in the pocket of a billiards table while my friends and I play
I had a bad day, and I am so angry I feeling like insulting and humiliating you so I want you to get down on your knees and bow in front of me while I whip you and degrade you.
I am wearing a diaper and expect you to change it every time my diaper gets dirty.
You will be dressed in a degrading outfit and bound on your back. I will sit on your face and fart, making you inhale deeply. You must thank me for each fart and beg for more.
I want your body pressed against the window while I peg you
I will be sitting on my computer chair that will be tied with a rope to your balls and you will be naked on all fours like a dog. You will take me wherever I ask you to and I will whip you if you are not fast enough.
I want you to handover your money on your knees and kiss my feet in public
I want you to act like a piece of furniture (clothed) for the afternoon, in front of everyone.
I want you to lick the toilet bowl as a punishment.
Dress in a pair of My lingerie that my lover enjoys. Parade in front of Me while I describe how he appreciates seeing Me in it more than you. You will then masturbate in front of Me, but you are not allowed to cum.
You will lie completely still as my human table, with food placed on your body. If you flinch or make a sound, you will be punished severely. You must endure in silence while I dine off you, acknowledging your inferiority.
I have to go to the office this morning. You will come with me and sit quietly underneath my desk, worshiping my feet and eating me out when I demand.
You will get a replica of your pathetic cock made. I want you to use it to practice giving blow jobs from now on.
I want you to make me laugh. If you can't, I will punish you, hard.
I have put cherries in my ass, I will be walking naked and I want you to follow me on all fours. If a cherry pops out of my ass I expect you to eat it.
I'm going to tie your hands behind your back and suspend tea bags from your breasts. You will bend to infuse until I tell you to stop.
I want you to wear a trash bag like a diaper to show your submission.
I want you to masturbate into a sock and then wear that sock for the rest of the day
I want you to shower fully dressed as a punishment, and dry yourself with a hairdryer
Today you will not be allowed to visit the bathroom. Instead you will wear a diaper and let me know when it needs changing.
Get on the floor, you will eat the food I will bring to your mouth with my feet.
You will take off your clothes and walk like dog in the garden in the middle of the night
I will wear a short skirt and no underwear. In a quiet public restroom, you will kneel and worship my bare ass while I keep watch.
You will wear a cheerleader uniform and shake your pompoms for me.

Foot Fetish

I want you to pain my toenails wearing nothing but a ball gag and chastity cage
You will kiss my toes from left to right every night before going to bed.
You will accompany Me to buy shoes and you will have to be in charge of helping me put them on, use the shoehorn and, if there are laces, tie them. It doesn't matter if people stare at you.
I will dip my toes in different kind of food. You have to lick my feet clean and guess what food it is or be punished.
I want you to kiss my feet in a store when no one is looking.
I want you to tell me how lucky you are to serve me while kissing my black boots.
I will crush your birthday cake under my feet and I will make you lick it
I want you to get on your knees and kiss My feet during the elevator ride
You will apply bright red lipstick to your penis and tell it to kiss my feet as an apology for its size.
You will massage my friend's feet, paying extra attention to her arches and toes, ensuring she feels utterly pampered and adored.
You will sit on the floor naked and keep licking one of your feet until I tell you to stop.
I want you to kneel down and edge while looking at my feet.
I will spread peanut butter on my feet and you are going to lick them clean
You will spend the night gagged using tape with my dirty socks inside your mouth
I want you to lick my feet.
I want you to suck my toes.
I want you to cum on my black boots and lick it
I will put my shoes attached with clothespins on you nipples.
I want you to be my doormat
I want you to clean my toes with your toothbrush.
I want you to eat only things i have stepped on with my foot before
Whenever I come hope I will put my dirty socks in your mouth and you will go to the bathroom to hand wash them
I will put the socks of different women into your mouth. You will guess which socks are mine or be punished!
I want you to put each of my toes in your mouth and clean them with your tongue
I will lock you in chastity. The only way for you to get out is to find the right key inside of one of my dirty socks from my laundry basket. You will be blindfolded and your hands will be tied behind your back so you will have to use your mouth to find it.
I want you to kiss my black boots that I used to bust your balls.
You will stuff your mouth with a pair of My used old socks and beg on your knees for my attention.
Today me and my friends are going to play a game with you in which you have to lick our feet and tell us who is your Mistress. If you guessed wrong I will slap your face.
Everyday I wake up in the morning the first thing I wanna see is you holding my slippers and kissing my feet.
I want you to apply nail polish to my toe nails using your mouth. You will be punished severely if my skin gets painted!
I want you to remove the dead skin from my feet.
I want you to kiss my friend's feet
You will strip naked and crawl to me on all fours. When you reach my feet, you will kiss them reverently before receiving your next order.
I want you to discreetly massage my feet under the table at a busy café. Make sure no one notices.
I want you to wear a blindfold and kneel in front of Me. You will then kiss and worship My feet, using only your lips and tongue, until I tell you to stop.
You will be on your hand and knees in front of Me, facing away from Me, and I will fuck your ass with my heels while I watch TV
I will tie your hands behind your back and you will clean my heels with your tongue.
All my shoes need cleaning, you will clean and polish every pair I have in the house and line them neatly for my inspection, of course you will be punished if any pair fails to meet my expectations.
I want you to lick each one of my toes with delight
I want you to place my feet on a pillow after you are done with the pedicure, and then you will massage my calves while my feet rest. You will thank me for allowing you to serve in this capacity.
I will trample banana with my heels and you are gonna lick it off my heels.
When I come home from work you must come to kiss my shoes without me saying a word.
I want you to handwash my socks
I will step on your food barefoot and you will clean the food off my feet.
You will learn how to do a proper pedicure and give Me one every week
Every time I enter the same room as you, you will drop to your knees, kiss my feet and then you'll continue your duty.
I want you to adore my feet while I ignore you
I will smother you with My feet until you beg Me to let you breathe
Kneel in front of Me wearing your cutest maid outfit. I will instruct you on how to clean My shoes with your tongue, ensuring every inch is spotless while you hum a girlish tune.
I want you to spend an entire evening at My friend's feet, serving as Her footstool and offering any service She desires to ensure Her utmost comfort.
I will attach a leash to your chastity cage and make you follow Me around. Anytime we stop you must quickly come to kiss My feet.
I want you to trim and shape my toenails to perfection, following my exact instructions. Any mistakes will be punished accordingly.
Your going to ruin your orgasm onto My bare feet then lick Them clean
I will wash my dirty feet in this basin filled with water and then force you to put your face in it!
Your going to ruin your orgasm onto My bare feet then lick Them clean
Go on your knees in front of me and kiss each of my toe one by one
I want you to massage my feet on the street today
You are going to help me into and out of my footwear at all times
Get on the floor, you will eat the food I will bring to your mouth with my feet.

Orgasm Control

Here is your butt plug and the cock cage. Every time I tell you to ''Present Yourself'', you will drop your panties to your ankles for inspection. I need to make sure my sissy slave isn't being naughty and breaking my rules.
I want to see clothespins on both of your nipples while you edge yourself
I will edge you with a dildo or vibrator, then ruin your orgasm by pressing down hard on your prostate just as you are about to cum.
I will blindfold you and bring you to the edge of orgasm, only to cruelly deny you release. You will beg for mercy until I am satisfied.
I want you to masturbate and edge 3 times before I will make you ruin your orgasm on my feet.
I want you to masturbate yourself only with a corner of a table.
You will be gagged and blindfolded, your wrists and ankles bound to the bedposts. I will tease you with a series of slow, sensual touches and deny you any release until you beg with tears in your eyes.
I will tease your cock with my pussy for a couple of minutes and after that I will ^put back your chastity cage
I want to tie you to a chair with your cock locked up while I pleasure myself to multiple orgasms and not give you one when I finish.
I want to have sex with you. Before we begin, I'll flip a coin that'll determine if you get to cum. I won't tell you the result. After I enjoy the fine cunnilingus you provide, I'll provide the results of the coin flip.
You will watch me with my bull, when he enters me, you will shove a dildo up your ass and play with it until my bull pulls out, so we can both be fucked together
You will be locked in chastity. We start with 30 days. Every day I'll grab a card from a deck of cards. You'll guess the colour of the card. If you guessed it right the number will be retracted from the total of days in chastity if you're wrong the days will be added.
I will bind you to a chair for a full day, blindfolded, naked, gagged, with a small cage on your cock and a vibrating plug in your ass. You will wear headphones that will be looping an audio file of my voice leading you deeper into submission.
You will cum in a glass and drink the contents.
You will follow all chastity rules without fail. If you are denied, you will accept it. If you are edged, you will stop when told. If you are teased, you will beg for more but know you won’t get it.
I will tease your cock for an hour and after that I'll put it in its chastity cage
I want you to edge while looking at my juicy pussy
You will masturbate until you edge three times. On the third time, you should take yourself to orgasm but, when you reach it, you are to place your hands over your head and ruin your orgasm.
I will make you wear a dildo gag and you will make me orgasm with with it while in chastity
I want you to edge while on your knees smelling my panties
I’ll tie you up to one of my dining chairs and make you watch all your favourite porn without touching yourself, enduring the frustration of denial.
You will wear a spiked chastity cage, then I will try on bikinis, which you will have to rate 1-10.
I will masturbate you until you cum and put the load into your mouth. Then you must keep it there until you cum a second time. Now swalllow it.
I will suck your cock while you lick my pussy. If I manage to make you cum first, you will be punished!
As a slave, you will never again use your cock to fuck women. You will only pleasure women with your mouth from now on.
I want you to edge while drinking milk from my boobs
Me and my boyfriend are going to kiss and I want you to watch us while your cock is still locked in chastity.
I will bind your wrists behind your back, then place a riding crop in your mouth. You must hold it there, unwavering, as I tease and torment your most sensitive areas.
I want you to watch a porn of my choosing, you will edge yourself to it until it has ended, then you will ruin your orgasm in front of Me
I want you to fuck Me, too bad you are wearing your chastity cage... Get my strapping you can use that, it is much better than your pathetic cock
You will accompany me shopping while wearing a cock lock. You will be carrying my shopping bags and I will use your credit card until it is maxed out.
I will put casts on your arms and tease you for as long as I want when they dry. I will remove them after locking you in chastity.
I want you to wear a metal chastity cage and do 10 pushups. Every time you go down I wanna hear the sound of your chastity cage touching the floor.
I will blindfold you and you will have to guess by the taste, what am I putting into your mouth. Every time you guess it wrong, you will get 1 day in chastity.
I will edge you myself repeatidly with these shiny black gloves.
I will lock you in chastity. The only way for you to get out is to find the right key inside of one of my dirty socks from my laundry basket. You will be blindfolded and your hands will be tied behind your back so you will have to use your mouth to find it.
Masturbate in front of Me while I talk about my experiences with My lover. You are allowed to edge yourself, but you must not cum. Each time you get close, you must thank My lover for being better than you.
I'll drop you off at a femdom-party, naked except for your collar, cuffs and chastity cage. You'll have to serve any Mistress who demands you to do so. To check your performance I'll dangle a rubber stamp stating 'demerit' from your collar. Any mistress may imprint your body with it, if you displease her. When picking you up again I will count the stamps. Each one earns you ten strokes of the cane and a week in chastity.
I will jerk you off for five minutes. If you cum during that time, I will put you chastity cage for 30 days.
I will tease your cock for hours and not let you cum to finally lock you in a chastity cage for another day.
You will take me to the very best restaurant in the city while wearing your cock lock. You will watch me eating the finest food and wine paid with your credit card while you will be eating a salad with water.
I will give you 1 hour porn video to watch. And for every minute your cock is hard, you will get a day in your chastity cage.
You will go live on webcam with a vibrator strapped to your cock. I will command you to edge and deny yourself repeatedly, thanking me for each denial and describing how desperate you are to cum, begging for more control.
I want you to swallow this Viagra pill and handcuff your hands in your back, then watch me getting fucked by my bull
I want you to wear a metal chastity cage and do 10 pushups. Every time you go down I wanna hear the sound of your chastity cage touching the floor.
I will make you cum on a buttplug and put it up your ass. You are only allowed to remove it after you've come a second time.
Hang this bell from your cock and edge 3 times. If I hear just one tinkle you will be spanked.
I want you to masturbate without touching your genitals with your hands
Wear a chastity device while I describe in detail a sexual encounter with My lover. You must thank Me for sharing and beg to be released, knowing that only he can fulfill My needs.
While I’m on vacation you’ll stay at my home. You’ll stay in chastity and I want a clean house when I return. If I’m not pleased you’ll be punished.
After two weeks of chastity, you are finally allowed to cum... as many times as you want. But you will only cum on the floor and must lick your cum until the last drop. Of course, at the end of the day...back in chastity.
I want you to masturbate wearing panties. Cum into the panties and lick them clean
I will milk your balls for 3 hours. If you don't produce 10ml of cum for me, you will wear your chastity cage for 30 days so that you can succeed next time.
My bull is coming over to fuck me. You'll be tied up and gagged under the bed, so you can hear me getting fucked. If you stay quiet I'll let you clean me after me and my bull came.
I want you to kneel at my feet while masturbating, edge and ruin your own orgasm.
You will wear a tight cock cage and be instructed to write an essay about why you deserve to be my slave. You will then read it aloud while kneeling before Me.
You and the other slave are going to play a game. You will get in the 69 position and try to get each other to cum. The one that cums first will be locked in chastity for 7 days and will be forced to give the other slave 1 oral orgasm each day.
Wank yourself and swallow your own cum in front of me.
I will masturbate you but at the exact moment you want to ejaculate I will squeeze your cock so no cum can come out.
You will wear a short skirt, high heels and a butt plug. You will carry these glass of wines on a tray to the other side of the room and you will stay a day in chastity for each glass that you spilled.
I will attach a leash to your chastity cage and make you follow Me around. Anytime we stop you must quickly come to kiss My feet.
Your going to ruin your orgasm onto My bare feet then lick Them clean
Your going to ruin your orgasm onto My bare feet then lick Them clean
I will make you wear a spiked cock ring and watch me undress in front of you.


I will make you learn how to shine silverware to perfection, presenting my dining set in pristine condition before my meals.
You will be my luggage and purse carrier when I go on holiday. You will always be by my side, but never get to enjoy the holiday. You will be serving me 24/7.
You will hang ball weights on your pathetic balls and do chores around the house until I let you rest
I want you to prepare a romantic dinner for me and my lover. You will cook a three-course meal, serve it with elegance, and ensure every detail is perfect. During the meal, you will remain silent and attentive, ready to fulfill any request we may have.
I will attach a leash to you buttplug and make you hold weights with it while cleaning and every time it falls out the weight will be increased and at the end you will get spanked the amount of times it fell out 10x
You will wait by the door, hands folded, ready to take my coat and shoes the moment I arrive.
I will have you wear a maid’s uniform and clean the room meticulously. Any dust or dirt left behind will lead to you being paddled across your buttocks, ensuring you learn to be thorough.
I want you to prepare my wardrobe for the day, ensuring my clothes are ironed, fresh, and arranged as I like them
I will host a party. I will pick a uniform for you to be the butler/maid for the duration of the party and use a remote vibrating plug to summon you for any services I desire.
From now on I want you to dress as a maid when we're at home
I want you to take an online course on how to properly give Me a manicure
I want you to help me prepare dinner and then be my serving boy as I eat dinner, if you're hungry you can eat leftovers from a dog bowl after I'm done eating and you've washed the dishes
I'm going to the gym today you will come with me as my towel sissy. You will stand next to me as I work out and wipe the sweat from me with a towel.
I want you to put some polish on my toenails using your mouth, and the number of times you do it wrong will become the number of days you will be in chastity
I want you to wake Me up every morning by serving me some coffee and the newspaper
I want you to cut the grass naked in the garden.
I need to relax so go and run me a nice bubble bath, light some nice candles and bring some wine. You're going to kneel and wear this blindfold and gag, you will hold my wine and phone, passing them to me as I need them whilst I relax in the bath
I will cuff your hands behind your back and with a feather duster mounted to your ballgag you will clean my apartment for the next two hours.
I will instruct you to fill a basin with warm, scented water, and you will attentively soak my feet, ensuring the temperature is just right.
Your job this week will be to clean my whole dungeon and equipments everyday.
I will have you organize my lingerie drawer, arranging everything by color and type. Ensure that every piece is neatly folded and easily accessible. You will present your work to me when finished.
I want you to kneel by the bath and use a soft cloth to wash my face, paying special attention to my lips and eyes. You will then apply a moisturizing mask, waiting patiently until I command you to remove it.
The weather is so hot, you will stand by me while I am sitting in the sun and fan me to keep me cool.
Clean all the toys and arrange them the way your owner likes it
I will send you to My bull's house in your maid's outfit and you will clean and tidy his entire home. When you are done, you will get on your knees and suck his dick, giving him an orgasm and swallowing his cum.
You will draw a luxurious bath for my lover and me. Make sure the water temperature is perfect, add fragrant bath oils, and light candles around the tub. Once prepared, you will discreetly leave the room and stand by in case we need anything.
I want you to make breakfast for my lover and me wearing only a frilly apron. After serving us, you are to be on your knees waiting for us to finish enjoying our delicious meal.
You will pour jam into a pair of stockings and clean the floor while wearing them.
I will instruct you to hand wash and iron all my delicate garments, ensuring they are perfectly pressed and ready for My inspection. You will present each piece to Me once it's finished.
I want you to design me a beautiful video for my social media.
I will make you wear a maid costume and do all my household chores
I want you to unclog the toilet.
You will wear lace gloves and delicately serve Me, showing how refined a sissy you’ve become.
I want you to ride a bicycle 5 miles while wearing a maids outfit and heels. I will track you on my fitness app
I want you to arrange my wardrobe according to my preferences. You will categorize my clothes by type, color, and occasion, ensuring everything is easily accessible and impeccably organized.
I want you to polish the shoes.
I want you to clean all the light bulbs in my house.
You will be dressed in frilly panties and a maid’s apron. You will wash, dry, fold, and put away all of our laundry, making sure everything is perfectly neat and tidy.
You will follow me all day a few feet behind and pick up any litter or tidy up any mess I make immediately.
I want you to clean the toilet bowl.
I want you to kneel by the bath and use a soft cloth to wash my face, paying special attention to my lips and eyes. You will then apply a moisturizing mask, waiting patiently until I command you to remove it.
Here is all my dirty underwear from the past week, I want you to wash them all by hand.
I want you to arrange a surprise date for me and my lover. You will plan every detail, from the location to the activities, ensuring it is an unforgettable experience for us.
All my shoes need cleaning, you will clean and polish every pair I have in the house and line them neatly for my inspection, of course you will be punished if any pair fails to meet my expectations.
You will apply a rich, luxurious lotion to my feet, massaging it in with tender care until my skin feels silky smooth.
I want you to meticulously polish every piece of silverware in the dining room. Make sure each piece is spotless and shines brilliantly. Once done, present them to me for inspection.
You will draw a luxurious bath for me, ensuring the water is at the perfect temperature. Add my favorite bath oils and flower petals. You will then kneel by the tub and wait for further instructions.
My trash can is full, I want you to sort the waste into paper, organic, and tins, and take them to the relevant containers outside.
You will practice the delicate skill of applying my makeup, ensuring every stroke is perfect. One smudge means starting over from the beginning.
You will wear nipple clamps and start cleaning until the floor is spotless.
You will practice the art of sensual, silent service. I want you to anticipate my needs without a single word and move with grace and efficiency.
I want you to handwash my socks
I want you to organize my make-up table
I'm having a party tonight. You'll stay at the door until all guest have arrived. You'll greet every guest by kissing their shoes and then you'll take their coat.
You will have my breakfast cooked ready for me when I wake up each morning
You will learn how to do a proper pedicure and give Me one every week
I expect you to clean and prepare the bedroom for me and my lover. The bed should be made with fresh sheets, and the room should be filled with a pleasant scent.
I want you to clean all my sextoys
You will be responsible for planning and executing a full day of pampering for Me. This will include preparing My meals, giving Me a massage, drawing My bath, and attending to any of My whims and desires throughout the day.
I want you to wash my car (with clothes)
I want to go shopping. You will carry my bags, bring the clothes I like to the fitting room and queue for me.
I want you to create a detailed weekly schedule of domestic duties, including meal preparation, cleaning, and personal services for Me. You will follow this schedule meticulously, checking in with Me daily for feedback.
You will wash and shave your Mistress legs and then apply moisturizer
You will wear a chastity cage and lock it securely. Then, you will dress in a maid outfit and serve Me tea, ensuring you perform every task with grace and humility.
I want you to remove the hair in the shower.
I require you to organize our wardrobe. Make sure all our clothes are neatly arranged, and our shoes are polished and ready to wear.
I'm going to tie your hands behind your back and suspend tea bags from your breasts. You will bend to infuse until I tell you to stop.
I want you to feed me in the bed.
A second recording device
Baby bottle
Burning sensation (Tabasco, chillies, Tiger balm...)
Cake birthday candles
Cellophane paper
Chocolate eggs
Cock ring
Cock shaped item
Cooking pan
Cotton swab
Deck of cards
Dog food
Duct/Packing tape
Electric toothbrush
Garter belt
Ice cubes
Ketchup or Mayonnaise
Lip gloss
Long Candles
Nipple clamps
Peanut butter
Rubber bands
Rubbing alcohol
Sand paper
Swimming suit
Tennis ball
Toilet brush
Toilet paper roll
Trash bags
Ty-Rap ties
Wooden spoon

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