********** Thank You Lady Lucrezia **********
Worshipping the work of art that is my Mistress' jaw dropping ass. A very special moment for both of us. And yes, that is a drinking straw ; )
A message to some Doms here. If your only focus is findom, this will be a challenging platform for you. That's not what the community here is about. I would encourage you to expand your offerings. Thank you.
****** Just Plain Me For A Change ******
Yes, these are all interrelated! I have had the privilege of serving Her and She now wants me to be a free slave to have new adventures. Mistress Lizbeth's generous way of thanking me for my dedication to Her.
Mistress Lizbeth will be evaluating new slaves for ownership. If interested, I suggest you make haste to reach out for consideration.
She stands ready, Her new Whip in hand : )
Andy Warhol Dick Pic
Just trying to make dick pics more artful, less boring.
Looks Like The Perfect Fit!
A very special Dom here allowed me to cum on her killer tits. I couldn't help but notice how well suited we would be for tit fucking, a never ending passion of mine. Thank you Mistress, this is sooo generous of you, and special for me, you're the best! XOXO
Pin Cushion Fun Anyone?
The bruise 2 days after a Dom pierced the ridge with a needle : )
Smoking Scene with a Twist
I was told when to start and stop stroking. If I didn't stop when told, I was punished as shown. I was not allowed to cum until she finished 3 cigarettes.
Hamming It Up During a Break in Filming : )
During the construction worker shoot described in the diary post immediately below.
Noisy Construction Worker Being Punished
From filming last night. I was wearing a hard hat, work boots and safety vest. Was handcuffed, tickled, paddled, hog tied and butt fucked ... like jack hammer butt fucked!
Goddess Unica ... Thank you!!!
Phenomenal accuracy worshipping our rising star's sexy ass, earned as reward for assisting her on the platform. A shot like that is a combination of skill/control and luck. I also licked my cum off the screen/her ass for further flattery. Thank you Goddess Unica, such an honor. I will enjoy watching you rise to the top of the BDSM world!
As described in the entry immediately below, enjoying the fruits of my worship of Mistress Diamond's incredible ass : )
The incredible, beloved and hot as AF Mistress Diamond giving me permission for this special treat. After this task, I was allowed to lick her ass clean of my cum. Thank you sooo much Mistress! : )
I'm pretty small compared to others : (
A friend showing off her nails. Crazy nails has become her thing as of late for her fan site.
"Hello Kitty" on the right. Cash and cats are her passions!
I am very fond of this picture. It's from the very first scene I did with my filming Dom.
I asked AI to create "a happy eggplant cartoon character" and it did a good job, nice looking emoji!
Enjoying a reward for executing my assigned tasks to this Dom's satisfaction.
How sexy is her ass, just a wonderful ass to stroke, shoot and eat to. And a wonderful, sexy, meaty pussy as well.
Now that I can export video frames, fun to capture cum mid flight :)
I'm very grateful that I have earned this privilege when worshipping my Mistress.
- Step 1 - Cover the laptop in Saran wrap.
- Step 2 - Press the worship button.
- Step 3 - Self explanatory from here ; )
True Submission Is Giving Your Mistress a Sadistic Release.
Censored from the Public Square, but permission to show here. A proper, sustained caning. This was about an hour later. The welts connected into a single, swollen welt. Yes, I enjoyed it. And looks worse than it is : )
I want to be her. Only surrounded by Doms and Masters.
Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!
Haven't done much pet play but it was super fun!
Worshipping my Mistress, enjoying the privilege of shining her incredible latex outfit..
My New Year's Resolution Is Making This Fantasy A Reality.
A Trans Woman Dom of this caliber.
You are an amazing person, and an amazing Dom. Loved by so, so many. Congrats on achieving your Whip, you will wield it well, no doubt. Cheers to you Mistress Diamond!
Mistress Lizbeth has just dropped another piece of Her amazing art into the Public Square. If you voted "more is better" in the SM poll on the Public Square, you can express your support of what She is accomplishing for us. Her previous record is 158 likes. Let's see what happens! : )
Leather body bag, rope tied to bed for zero movement. Throat fucked. Awesome experience.
By all reckoning, we witnessed a historic achievement. On Dec 28th, 2024, in response to the Public Square's new "more is better" policy, as voted on by all members, Mistress Lizbeth posted a ground breaking picture. This picture showed an exquisite pegging scene, with full penetration visible. This picture set a record, receiving 158 likes.
Therefore, from henceforth, in honor of Mistress Lizbeth's achievement, every Dec 28th, at 1:58 pm local time, every slave shall be permitted to cum. All slaves shall join together in this wonderful chorus of cum, honoring Mistress Lizbeth's boldness in stepping forward into the Public Square, giving the people what we've yearned for, becoming our Hero!!
A "loud and proud" dick pic to celebrate SM's user survey and subsequent policy definition for Public Square pics. Thank you to all that voted for the "more is better" option XOXOXO! Please hit "like" if you voted accordingly, and hit "worship" for Mistress Lizbeth for stepping out with the first hard hitting butt fucking pic under the Square's new policy. She's is a Hero of the people!
Both holes, "spit roasted." This is before the amazing Doms switched positions, and I happily, lustfully did ATM for them.
Sexy or silly? I can't decide. Definitely feels great stroking in them thou LoL!
One of my more popular Public Square pictures. I do enjoy a skilled single tail whipping. The bite is sharp, and short lived, so I start to want more to keep rush going.
In the spirit of the Holidays, some special medical play decorations! A fun way for a sadist and masochist to prepare for the Holidays: )
One vampire glove working my nipples while at the same time getting firm, tight shaft strokes with a second vampire glove. Heaven and hell on Earth : )
A special way Mistress allows me to worship her, when I've exceeded her expectations.
Accuracy Is Important.
A fun challenge I came up with for my Mistress's cum log. And I do enjoy a "yummy" ending : )
All Dressed Up And Ready To Go For The Ride, Wherever They Wish To Go
The Calm Before The Storm
Tied up, ready to be cropped, ready to be stroked with a Vampire glove : )
Shockingly Fun : )
This is a "Nova" brand electro stim unit and adjusts from ticklish fun to deliciously painful. Yes, you need this!
Sometimes You Just Need To Want Something Bad Enough.
Me, I want to be a whore.
A Sexy Pose By A Sexy Mistress
She is a very sexy dancer, and uses that skill while pegging. Just a gorgeous thing to behold.
Our two Femdom artists were enjoying each other's vibes at this point. Both are visible in the mirror.
This was near the beginning of the session, to help my hole open up for the fist of the Dom on the right.
"Teamwork Makes The Dream Work"
An artful pic when the light was coming in just so thru the window blinds. One of my best compositions. I'd encourage other slaves to up their dick pic game. A messy room, bad toenails, etc ... let's all work to do better for our Mistresses.
Part 1 of 2. IRL play/filming session with two Femdoms, one Trans Girl (camera/lighting person).
Grab a cup of coffee, this may get long, but I do hope it will be worth your time ; )
I'll get to all the juicy details in Part 2, but for now, the short version is that it was a trip to outer space. I'm still "high" so to speak. Two Doms combining energy, for a synergistic effect. They both were feeding off each other, riding the high they were creating. At first it felt to me a bit of "friendly competition" going on between them, but then, it shifted. They became in sync, non competitive and worked as equal partners. Phucking amazing. What I experienced was beyond what I could have imagined. I had done one duo before, barely ... the second Dom was an apprentice, more of an observer.
We met at the local Dom's home, and she had a newly redone play/dungeon room. Great gear, lighting, incense, the works. Small, but effective. What was sooo cool was the vibe and connections that formed. The two Doms had never met. I was their "matchmaker" and I shared why I thought they would make great business/tour partners. One is very organized but newer, the other more moment to moment but highly experienced. They both would benefit from the other's strengths. Both Doms looked amazing and were wearing very impactful outfits. One is younger, great lines, great skin, womanly ass & thighs. The other is older, with a trim body. Faces are gorgeous, not so much "magazine cover" gorgeous/"generic" beauty, but beautiful in their own unique way. I spent some time providing thoughtful, sincere, flattering comments to each. Not just comments about physical beauty either, but plenty of those. I was wearing tight mesh shorts with an open front & back and I was getting hard the more I flattered. A bit surreal. I asked each Dom to flatter the other one, and that was definitely an ice breaker. We all got a light buzz on and just continued to get comfortable with each other. The trans girl / camera person joined us about a half hour in. Lovely, petite little thing. She said she wanted to do her job as a professional, and not participate, which I was really impressed by. I did give her a kiss on the cheek, and thanked her for her great feeling, well trained ass, which I enjoyed a handful of months prior. Overall, I was becoming very excited looking forward to what was going to go down. Both Doms know I'm game for anything, and I told them this event was for them. First priority ... to learn and dovetail with each others' vibe. Second priority ... to "stretch their wings as a Dom," and that I'm just a prop in their show.
I'll conclude for now by saying the next 4-5 hours that followed had the feel of many things ... a party with old and newly made friends, a successful "fixing up" of a new couple, brainstorming additional ideas for scenes, technical details of where to move furniture, lighting etc, and then putting all that aside and just enjoying the fruits of all that work by getting to do the scene. At that point, the challenge for some is to just "be there" and let it be real, not thinking about anything else. The more that happens, the more viewers will enjoy all the "game time" enthusiasm and reality of the acts they are watching before their eyes.
Kinky fun details to cum in Part 2 ... Follow me and you'll get the alert of course. I will wait until I get some pics to gift around. Fisting shot will be used in the Public Square ; )
For any slaves or Doms that enjoy seeing a slave get butt fucked with a monster cock and exquisitely verbally humiliated, check out "Mistress Lizbeth Pegging." The GOAT of the genre. You will be inspired.
Vac bed scene we filmed. Lubed latex. Teasing hand glides. A little breathe play. Hitachi vibrator forced orgasm. Such an amazing experience.
A little "behind" on my goal of going wrist deep ; ) I really want to add that to my list of accomplishments. Getting closer thou!
Nice view of my filming Dom's dungeon, and a small portion of years of accumulated gear. This was just a check of the side view camera. The rear view is shown below. I guess that's one of those "literally and figuratively" statements, right?!
Just gotta love it when you film and just positively nail the camera angles and lighting. There's more work to this than people realize!
Yes I have her permission. This was a friend of my filming Dom that wanted to load up on pic/vid content for her platform, shock her fans. Here we just kinda gyrated our clothespins together. Gave her a great boost, lots of increased activity.
Love the lighting, adds so much. The Dom had me sound myself and film it while giving verbal instruction for a "how to" clip. It's selling well.
A bit different perspective that I'd like to see other slaves do. I'm a sucker for veiny cock. Like, literally.
Just a fun pic idea that came to me in the moment, just prior to a video toast I made to a special Dom here :)
A pretty flower, right?! Don't let these small clips fool you! Much better "bite" than the large ones. Delicious pain!
One of my absolute favorite activities :) A favorite of any Doms here, I hope!? Done for her blog titled "Don't Be Afraid of the Sound!"
If you only read one diary entry of mine, this one will tell you everything you need to know about me. I'm still pumped about this scene I did with my filming Dom. I'll say this first about ATM. If you see a scene cut from the ass to the mouth, it's not real ATM. There's been a condom change/change to a duplicate dildo. We start with me legs over head, so she can do the "pile driver" position. Very powerful Dom/sub visual in its own right. After some of her AVN award winning pegging, she removes the dildo from her harness. By hand, she then launches into rapid and deep repetition from ass to mouth. Absolutely no scene cuts! At times she pauses for me to lustfully lick and suck her cock. I was lost in bliss. I had done a stellar job of cleaning myself out and had zero inhibitions with it. Just my lust for perversion. And we're not done yet! She surprised me by putting a hollow butt plug in me, and then a funnel into that! Holy hell, right?! She then stood up and pissed into my ass. Fucking amazing and I was blown away! From there, to end the scene, I was told to jackoff on my masked face. I never orgasm 5-6 days prior to filming and that helped me fire off three good ropes. Two made it to my face. All was collected and then hand fed to me. While I was doing that, the piss that hadn't drained into my ass was spilling out of the funnel onto me! Fucking spectacular! So proud of this one!
My ultimate fantasy. Doing a double session with a beautiful, red haired trans Dom with a great ass, full tits and a large, veiny cock w an oversized head. The other slave would be thin, weak, and have a virgin ass and mouth. She and I team up to pop his cherries. I suck the Doms cock to please the Dom and demonstrate to the other slave the required technique and enthusiasm level when he sucks my cock. Same tutorial with butt fucking., except handled by the Dom. The Dom cums on my cock and he licks it off, but saves it to transfer it to his face. I then cum on his face and then he cums on his own face. He is not allowed to clean any of it off. He must leave it all to dry and flake/wear off on its own, no matter how long it takes.
Yes, I love to suck cock. And have done so, unfortunately only three times, so far. I fucking love it. It just turns me into an animal, and is a high like nothing else. It extends the joy and lust I have for my own cock by just letting go and using my mouth, throat, tongue and hands to fully enjoy the cock as a source of pleasure. That is why it exists and as stated, lets me experience cock from both sides of the fence, so to speak. I don't give a fuck what label society puts on me for doing so. I only care about pleasure. If I must label myself, it's "hetero flexible," as I only have that unique bond with women. But I am absolutely obsessed with cock. Cocks are for giving and receiving pleasure. And I am the man for both jobs. Yes, I worship cock, and fucking love that I do. My hopes here are that I inspire others to live a full, pleasure filled life unencumbered by the judgement of others.
I am proud to state I am owned by the World's Best Pegger, Mistress Lizbeth! She and I go back awhile and will own me forever, but has generously allowed me "free range slave" privileges. She is the gold standard in butt fucking a slave and giving exquisite verbal humiliation while doing so. Mistress Lizbeth St Jade is the GOAT of the genre!
I have to confess that my brain just never shuts down when it comes to kink and BDSM. It's like a curse and a gift. I can't go into a hardware store or HomeGoods store without thinking about what this or that gadget could be used for. That said, I just love that's there no limit to the things I can think of, no limit to the experiences I can create for myself and others. I just adore everything about this world!
Let's talk about cum. What is it about guys' fascination with it? Virtually every guy enjoys porn cumming on womens' bodies. Further, guys cumming on themselves and eating their own cum is starting to approach mainstream in porn. Look at the views and likes and comments on CEI vids and see for yourself. So again, why? I can only answer for myself, but I believe plenty of other guys feel the same. Cum is the physical manifestation of the orgasm and everything leading up to it. The arousal, energy, lust, the desire for pleasure. Painting my face with it and then consuming it internalizes all those forces and gives me a level of confirmation, almost renewal that I am a sexual creature and that I lust for myself. It is very self affirming. My favorite method is to roll my legs over my head and cum on my face while having the visual pleasure of my cock being very close to my face. Cumming in this manner allows me to be both the giver and receiver of my load, at exactly the same blissful moment. Your thoughts? Why the fascination with cum. Feel free to DM me to agree, disagree and to provide your own opinion.
I adore piss play. That said, the sessions I've done aren't a sustained activity to allow me to relish in this fetish. Seeking a Dom, male or female that has deep experience in exploring this intense lust I have for all things piss.
Date | Ownership change |
2025-03-21 16:28:51 | Starts serving Mistress Lady_Lucrezia |
2025-03-19 01:16:30 | Ends its services to Mistress MistressLizbeth |
2024-10-07 04:10:56 | Starts serving Mistress MistressLizbeth |