Slave eklipsen

Male, 48 yo
Denmark - i…rhus
Ruined orgasm
Orgasm Denial
Feet worshipping

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Medias Quality
High Limit
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Currently honored to serve Goddess Rose

I’m looking for an Internet fling, nothing more - I’m in a vanilla relationship, that I do not wish to compromise - and I have a demanding job - so I only have a few hours here on occational afternoons and evenings.
Monday, September 16th 2024 - 17:27

I got a big assignment this weekend, one I could not solve in a day. There were many components, and some items I did not have on my list of toys - but nothing rare that I could not easy acquire ones Sunday turned to Monday. The hard part was that the assignment made me push my limits a bit, and made me do something, I hade never done before - and something, I had not thought, I would do - but again not something I had listed as a hard limit. I realized that this turned me on, so the 5 times I had to edge went unexpectedly quickly - and I felt super again - that is until the hot drips of candle wax hit my chest and replaced my hornyness with a burning pain.

Saturday, September 14th 2024 - 19:40

I feel good, I feel relaxed and really nice. I was given a task tonight that matched my own kinks, what a privilege, and I feel totally zen. It is not often this happens in here, a Goddess have a strong will and her own desires and I have often been doing tasks that gave me no other satisfaction than to please my Goddess. Tonight I felt the pleasure of a ruined orgasm - I hope Goddess will enjoy it too.

Friday, September 13th 2024 - 16:30

Have you ever tried to write with a pen in your ass? I tried that today - I tried it a lot - 20 times or so, as it was not easy to get just name written. Well Goddess generously did approve my writing, so kind of her - it was not my best work….

Thursday, September 12th 2024 - 15:53

Slave learnings, 2nd Goddess, 3rd week. I have been nervous all day - Goddess has made me suffer all weak, and once she didn’t approve my assignment, though I had done the best I thought I could in the circumstances. Sometimes a resource is scarce, like ice, and ones used, it will take time to get more - and I believe that no Goddess like to wait. In such a situation you as a slave have a choice, if you have made an almost perfect video, but also only almost as instructed - either the slave can wait for the ice to freeze again or you can send the almost perfect video and hope for the best. I had such a decision this morning, and chose to send a video, that perhaps had a minor imperfection. I feared sending it, as I love to please, and feel really bad when I feel I fail - pain gives me no pleasure in it self, the only thing in it for me is if I can feel, that my suffering was enjoyed by Goddess, but if she enjoys it, I enjoy to suffer for her, for her reaction. Sometimes all you get as a slave is an approval, but today she not only approved the video, she also wrote that she enjoyed seeing me suffer - she warmed my heart and made my day

Wednesday, September 11th 2024 - 19:31

A day of first. Goddess Rose started slow on me, but today she cranked it up - It was a busy day, a day of first and a very good day. I’m 48. I once had medical camera up my ass as part of a cancer treatment, but except for that, I have never had any thing up my ass until today. I had twelve ice cubes up my ass today, it was actually not noticeable cold, it was more of a bloody and painful experience. My sphincter would not let the ice cubes in easily, so it was profound unpleasant experience getting the cubes past the sphincter, it also drew some blood, though that pain was minimal. My second task was more of a sharp pain, as I was to close hard covered book over my testicles 5 times, 4 times out of 5 it was sharp but quick pain, the last time the pain was a sharp and profound pain that caused sickly feelings for up to a minute. The last experience was true pleasure though in an extremely hard position for my stiff and inflexible 48 year old body, I was allowed to cum, with shoulders on the ground, my ass raised up agains the wall, and my cock pointing towards my mouth - it was a struggle to get in position, but once there I quickly released to the thought of the boots of Goddess Rose. No salty taste could limited the privileged feeling of gratitude and joy - thank you Goddess Rose - to cum to the thought of your boots was a fantastic feeling.

Tuesday, September 10th 2024 - 19:36

Nev Goddess, New start. I got my first assignment from Goddess Rose today, I’m so happy I got it, I hope she will be happy with how I completed it. It has been a big relief for me to get it, my last Goddess had me completing tasks for her in no time - Goddess Rose have taken time to get to know me a little and we have struggled with time differences and my lack of availability. I don’t think I have handled it well, I have been too confused and too emotional about the difficult start, I should have been more patient and positive. Thank god, that Goddess was more cool and collected. I am grateful.

Monday, September 9th 2024 - 05:24

A feet guy huh - was what Goddess DommyBitch labeled me, after I had been begging her for a picture of her feet for weeks. I am a feet guy, I guess - I really likes to worship feet. I understand that I as a slave have no idea about what it takes to be a Goddess, that heels may be uncomfortable and foot beauty may require effort or beauty Spa’s that may be far apart - but this slave really loves feet. So Goddess DommyBitch allowed this slave to leave, and now it may worship Goddess Rose’s most wonderful feet - I think she wears the highest heels with the highest arches - happy, happy, happy slave.

Saturday, September 7th 2024 - 11:29

Punishment if you fail - those were the words after the task description in my present assignment. A very difficult assignment, I might add - I doubt it can solved with traditional thinking and my physique - but like in the tv show “task master”, bending the rules or alternative reading and can make almost anything possible. The question for this slave was then, should it bend the rules a little to seemingly solve the task as requested - or would I please Goddess more, by giving it a go,  be true to the task and fail so she may punish me for inadequacies. I went for the last solution today, wonder what punishment awaits me…

Friday, September 6th 2024 - 04:09

A full day of silence. I did not hear from Goddess today. She is on a different clock and is mostly online while I’m asleep - so it could just be that we missed each others, and she just went to bed a bit like normal people and didn’t stay up all night. I hope she had a good day - and went to sleep when she felt like it. My day was the most vanilla since I joined - I mostly just watched my national football team take the first win in nations league. It was the first match with a new coach and a new team - a new beginning and a really good match.

Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 04:26

I was just a cow - should I have been a cash-cow? I disappointed Goddess and was punished this morning. Only fair, I guess - I managed to cum 7 times in 48 hours - I think it should have been the double, and a young stud could likely do 4 times as good as me. To let Goddess see every time, I had gift her 8 times, and one of them failed to load, so I had to gift again - another was in so poor quality that I doubled the fee - hence 9$ for 7 times - four times that would have been 36$ and made a young stud a happy cash -cow. I’m just a cow, sorry Goddess.

Wednesday, September 4th 2024 - 15:28

A soft assignment getting hard, or a hard assignment going soft. Yesterday morning Goddess gave me a new assignment - an assignment on time, assignment of 48 hours. I had to cum as much as possible in the next 48 hours, and she wanted to see it every time. Easy I thought, fantastic I thought have not had an orgasm for days, the first one was easy and fantastic. Reality hit when I tried to get number two, I am a sexually insecure and nervous soul, and when under pressure my dick go soft. It is the reason why my sex life is almost nonexistent, why my girl friend and I very rarely have sex, and why when we do it is always be going down on her. I have disappointed so many girls in my vanilla life, and it has caused so many breakups, as few women can live with a limp dick. It is a psychological and not physical and so far unsolvable for me. Yesterday was a busy day full of meetings, and that increased the psychological pressure on me, so the results for the first 24 hours was 3 ejaculations and many more failures, with accompanying guilt. The ejaculations are good - the failures bad, overall still happy :-)

Tuesday, September 3rd 2024 - 04:10

Pavlov’s dogs and toothpaste. The Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov provoked his dogs to a conditioned response to a neutral stimulus, when feeding his dogs to a metronome - so when ever the metronome was one the dog’s mouth would water. I had expected some sort of classical conditioning- but I had expected it to shoes or feet, but Goddess have made me play so much with toothpaste, that I get a little hard on every time I brush my teeth. Not exactly what I had hoped for - but still a new experience :-)

Sunday, September 1st 2024 - 06:33

Goddess said yes to play with me yesterday after my last blog update. What a thrill - I’m a happy, happy, happy slave :-) <3. But what about Goddess? I know she likes to play with me…but I wonder why…and let’s just start by bypassing the financials, they are part of it, but you can earn money in so many ways - and this blog post is not about the money. I have come up with three theories for why a Goddess keeps slaves - 1. It makes her juices flow :-). Slaves get turned on by their Mistress and hope their Mistress get turned on by them - I do however fear that juices far from always flows from Goddess’s. 2. We make them smile - and entertain like cat videos on the internet.  3 and perhaps most likely they get joy from been greeted like a pet, or a small child and feel the platonic love, for those who love them unconditionally 

Saturday, August 31st 2024 - 04:54

Slave hardship is the heading of my thoughts this morning. As a slave you should serve when your Goddess wants you to serve - that can sometimes be hard enough in itself. This morning I do however feel that the hardest part is when Goddess, do not require you to serve. I on occasion call Goddess, Archgoddess as she is top 3 in the rankings. So she has her 12 pink plate slaves, owned in full, at least a couple of white plate slaves, that are displayed as owned and only Goddess knows how many she plays with like me. That is all fine, as it should be - her stable should hold all she could desire. However, even though I believe she has a huge heart and a place for all her slaves in it, it is a lot slaves, with a lot of hopes for pet on the shoulder, a task, a purpose - and a good boy. I imagine her inbox in full to the brink whenever she is in here, and I have noticed that when online, she seems to need hours to get through to me. I imagine that her top slaves, or her young hunk’s take priority - which again is all fine, it is just hard to predict when to be available, when the time is there when her whims could be catered by me. I did not find such timing yesterday, and I have missed her, and has an ever present tiny fear, that what I have been able to give, have not been enough…

Friday, August 30th 2024 - 06:03

Mind map of this slave: Got an assignment: “You’re going to make a striptease for Goddess. From all dressed to all naked. I want a good song!” Slave thoughts: Hard - Fear of failure- exited. What to do? A good song? First thought - La Bomba, but that is a wrong thought if slave was master and Goddess  was - no no no. No such thoughts allowed. Must be a good song for Goddess- Hard - have not talked music with Goddess- ok got to think- most people develop their taste for music while in their teens - Goddess is 35, and so bright, she likely developed early- hence Music of 2001 and 2002 perhaps? First thought Britney, Slave for you - Is that a good call? Goddess might be more of an Avril Lavigne type - perhaps Skaterboy? - ohh I think it was in these years I studied in Barcelona - from Otto Zuts to the Baja Beach Club it was all Shakira - difficult choice…we’ll have to work, must decide tonight…

Thursday, August 29th 2024 - 19:22

Sleep and submission will be the topic for this diary entry. I started this journey - this trial with a roller coaster of emotions and heavy heart beats fuel by thrill, fear and excitement. In one way fantastic feelings and just what I was looking for - on the other hand something that resulted in sleep deprivation. I came out of the weekend happy and exited, but also spend and lacking sleep. Monday and Tuesday nights I also could not sleep and kept waiting hoping my Goddess would be there for hours, and then when she was there it was wonderful - and when the alarm sounded and it was time for a new workday, I had hardly slept. Wednesday at work was tough - god was I tired. I went early and exhausted to bed, to with many hours on the clock before the alarm would ring - but woke up during the night as men my age do and found Goddess online. I had a lovely time in the middle of the night - then a few hours sleep and today I was like a new person - so now I will try again. It is 9 a clock, I say god night and pray that I will wake up exactly when Goddess, will feel like seeing me. Sleep tight everyone 

Wednesday, August 28th 2024 - 01:09

This really should have been a cum log entry - but I failed :( Goddess had given me the task to cum by touching myself as if my dick was my clitty. Nice assignment I thought - I get to touch myself, I get to cum with only a minor restriction - I thought this is going to be nice. Boy was I wrong, I’m not of the superior sex, and my dick did not like to be treated as woman - after many and hard tries, I had to report failure to my goddess, soft clit in hand…

Monday, August 26th 2024 - 20:06

The weekend was a thrilling adventure - never before have I filmed myself so much - never before have filmed myself so naked and in such compromising situations and positions. Though all without breaking anonymity - which is hard limit for me. Truly exiting - and fun. Today was a work day - and with another humiliating assignment awaiting me, which I couldn’t check off before just before bed time. Wonder if my Goddess get the same kick out of it. She has been kind though - and allowed me some freedom over my orgasms - I thought about rubbing the boner out I got during tonight’s session - but decided I better not. I will just edge my self a bit to her pictures and go to bed :-)

Saturday, August 24th 2024 - 06:36

I signed up two days ago… the first day was completely uneventful, i browsed a bit and that was all. Yesterday I locked in again - and I got a hi and hey - and later a Hello.  3 words, two Goddesses and a Queen. I started chatting with two, one asked me to worship her, which I did - another wanted me to buy a trial - I thought long and hard about it for an hour - and then I bought the trial. I live my physical girl friend, so I could no do much yesterday, when she was home - so, I have so far only done a bit of instructed edging. Not much in activity - but quit a bit in emotions and lost sleep. Let’s see where it brings me…

Only Verified Masters / Mistresses have access to cum logs
Only Verified Masters / Mistresses have access to chastity logs
Only the skills of level 2 and below are displayed, you need to be a registered Master/Mistress to see all the skills.

Anal Play

Wear this butt plug under your pants, we are going out shopping.

Nipple Play

I’ll tie you to the bed and use hot tea bags to tease your nipples and testicles


Get down on your knees and beg me to give you permission to cum
You will stand facing a corner masturbating while l watch a movie. When I command you, you will cum on the wall and lick it clean.
I want you to kneel at my feet while masturbating, edge and ruin your own orgasm.

Pain & CBT

I need you and 5 other slaves to place their balls in the pocket of a billiards table while my friends and I play
I’ll tie you to the bed and use hot tea bags to tease your nipples and testicles
You will be tightly bound to a chair with your chest exposed. I will drip hot wax from a candle onto your nipples and chest. You must thank me for each drop and apologize for your weakness.
I will slap your face when I'm not satisfied with you.


I will bind your wrists to the bedposts, then tease your most sensitive areas with the soft caress of a feather. You must remain perfectly still, resisting the urge to arch into my touch.
I’ll tie you to the bed and use hot tea bags to tease your nipples and testicles
You will kneel in front of the toilet tied up, after I've urinated in it, for an hour.
You will be tightly bound to a chair with your chest exposed. I will drip hot wax from a candle onto your nipples and chest. You must thank me for each drop and apologize for your weakness.
My bull is coming over to fuck me. You'll be tied up and gagged under the bed, so you can hear me getting fucked. If you stay quiet I'll let you clean me after me and my bull came.

Pet Play

You will wear a collar and leash, and I will lead you around the room, commanding you to crawl, kneel, and stand at my whim. You must obey without hesitation, your eyes fixed on the floor.


You will lick my asshole while I look for bulls online
You will go live on webcam with a vibrator strapped to your cock. I will command you to edge and deny yourself repeatedly, thanking me for each denial and describing how desperate you are to cum, begging for more control.
I want you to fuck a piece of bread in front of Me to completion, and thank Me for letting you relieve yourself
I need you and 5 other slaves to place their balls in the pocket of a billiards table while my friends and I play
I want you to lick peanut butter from my ass.
Kneel down, I will spit on your face until your face is covered with my saliva
I will wear a short skirt and no underwear. In a quiet public restroom, you will kneel and worship my bare ass while I keep watch.
You will apply bright red lipstick to your penis and tell it to kiss my feet as an apology for its size.
I want you to clean my toes with your toothbrush.
You will kneel in front of the toilet tied up, after I've urinated in it, for an hour.
I want you to kneel next to me with ashtray gag and wait for me to finish my cigaret
My bull is coming over to fuck me. You'll be tied up and gagged under the bed, so you can hear me getting fucked. If you stay quiet I'll let you clean me after me and my bull came.
Wank yourself and swallow your own cum in front of me.

Foot Fetish

You are going to help me into and out of my footwear at all times
I want you to adore my feet while I ignore you
My feet are stinky and dirty you need to clean them using only your tongue, make sure to get all that toe jam out it's full of good nutrients
I will smother you with My feet until you beg Me to let you breathe
You will apply bright red lipstick to your penis and tell it to kiss my feet as an apology for its size.
I want you to clean my toes with your toothbrush.

Orgasm Control

You will stand facing a corner masturbating while l watch a movie. When I command you, you will cum on the wall and lick it clean.
You will go live on webcam with a vibrator strapped to your cock. I will command you to edge and deny yourself repeatedly, thanking me for each denial and describing how desperate you are to cum, begging for more control.
I want you to masturbate yourself only with a corner of a table.
I want you to kneel at my feet while masturbating, edge and ruin your own orgasm.
My bull is coming over to fuck me. You'll be tied up and gagged under the bed, so you can hear me getting fucked. If you stay quiet I'll let you clean me after me and my bull came.
Wank yourself and swallow your own cum in front of me.


You will draw a luxurious bath for my lover and me. Make sure the water temperature is perfect, add fragrant bath oils, and light candles around the tub. Once prepared, you will discreetly leave the room and stand by in case we need anything.
I require you to organize our wardrobe. Make sure all our clothes are neatly arranged, and our shoes are polished and ready to wear.
I want you to arrange my wardrobe according to my preferences. You will categorize my clothes by type, color, and occasion, ensuring everything is easily accessible and impeccably organized.
I will have you organize my lingerie drawer, arranging everything by color and type. Ensure that every piece is neatly folded and easily accessible. You will present your work to me when finished.
I expect you to clean and prepare the bedroom for me and my lover. The bed should be made with fresh sheets, and the room should be filled with a pleasant scent.
A second recording device
Anal plug
Cellophane paper
Cock lock
Cooking pan
Deck of cards
Electric toothbrush
Ice cubes
Ketchup or Mayonnaise
Long Candles
Rubber bands
Sand paper
Shaving wax
Shaving wax
Toilet brush
Toilet paper roll
Trash bags
Wooden spoon

This site is for adults only!

This website displays material of a sexually explicit nature and is intended only for consenting adults who are at least 18 years of age. If you are not of legal age or if it is illegal for you to view such material, please EXIT immediately
By entering this website, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age and agree to be exposed to adult and explicit material